Best Peptide Stacks

Peptides can be used to gain muscle, burn fat, or improve longevity. How do you use them with on another for optimal results, & which ones should you not use...
Medically reviewed by Dr. Mohammed Fouda
Dr. Fouda uses his extensive knowledge and expertise as an academic scholar to medically review articles for scientific accuracy and credibility, ensuring that the medical information presented is up-to-date and trustworthy. He is responsible for ensuring the quality of the medical information presented on our website.

So, you got your heart broken, but she wasn’t so hot that you’re willing to try full-on Steroids yet… Peptides should fit you perfectly, right? Wanna lose weight or achieve some muscle growth?

Using a Peptide Stack to gain muscle mass has become incredibly popular after people have been using these Peptides for their ability to burn body fat.

Which ones are going to be best though? And is it even worth it? How does a Growth Hormone Secretagogue work, and will she ever come back?

I have (some) of the answers.

CategoryStack 1Stack 2Stack 3Stack 4
Fat Loss โœ‚๏ธGHRP6 + CJC-1295Semaglutide + AOD 9604Ipamorelin + SermorelinHGH Fragment + Carnitine
Muscle Growth ๐Ÿ’ชIpamorelin + CJC-1295IGF LR3 + HGH FragmentFollistatin + ACE 031
Growth Hormone ๐Ÿ“ˆGHRP-2 + SermorelinIpamorelin + CJC-1295
Endurance ๐Ÿ”‹GHRP-6 + SermorelinGHRP-6 + CJC-1295
Females ๐Ÿ™โ€โ™€๏ธIpamorelin + CJC-1295Semaglutide + SermorelinIGF-1 + HGH FragmentEpitalon + Thymalin
Males ๐Ÿ™Žโ€โ™‚๏ธTesamorelin + SermorelinKisspeptin + PT 141
Anti-aging โŽ๏ธEpitalon + ThymalinIpamorelin + CJC-1295Matrixyl + Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-4
Libido ๐Ÿ‘ซMelanotan I + Melanotan llKisspeptin + PT 141
Tanning ๐ŸงดMelanotan I + Melanotan ll
Sleep ๐Ÿ›ŒDSIP + Epitalon
Healing ๐ŸฉนBPC-157 + TB-500GHRP-2 + Sermorelin

Warning: The content on and the information included in this article is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Prior to buying anything, check that it is compliant where you live with your current government laws. We frequently mention research chemicals that are not made for human consumption. Therefore, before purchasing any product for personal use, consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first.

What is the Best Peptide Stack?

Choosing the best Peptide stack is actually tricky seeing as there are various Peptides and various ways in which to combine them with one another.

Essentially, you have three categories for Peptide stacks: Muscle Growth, Fat Loss, and Recovery. And even in those, there will be overlap, seeing as one Peptide can cause both an increase in lipolysis and hypertrophy at the same time.

We will go into which ones are best for each application in a bit, however, most people will use Peptides for muscular growth and better muscle structure. Thus, the best Peptide Stack for muscle growth would be:

  • CJC-1295 (w DAC) – One of the original Growth Hormone Releasing Hormones that will increase Growth Hormone production by binding to the growth-hormone-releasing hormone receptor (GHRHR) [1]
  • Ipamorelin – Ipamorelin will simply lower Growth Hormone-inhibiting Hormone (GHIH). GHIH caps the amount of Growth Hormone a person can produce, thus lowering those levels of IGF-1 that can lead to more muscle tissue and muscle strength gains [2]
  • GHRP-2 – GHRP-2 will work similarly to Ipamorelin in inhibiting GHIH, but will also stimulate hunger by a much larger measure [3]
  • [Bonus] IGF-1 DES: The reason Growth Hormone and Growth Hormone Secretagogues are used in sports, is because they will stimulate the release of IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1) into the body, which can result in more hypertrophy, so why not take pure IGF-1 that has been made more potent (DES) [4]

Peptide Stacks vs Peptide Blends

“Peptide stacks” and “peptide blends” are terms often used in the context of peptide supplementation, but they refer to slightly different concepts:

  1. Peptide Stacks: This term refers to the practice of using multiple different peptides together, each with a specific purpose. The idea is that by using them in combination, you can achieve a more comprehensive or synergistic effect. For example, one peptide might be used for its muscle-building effects, another for its fat-burning effects, and a third for its recovery-enhancing effects. The specific peptides chosen for a stack will depend on the individual’s goals and needs.
  2. Peptide Blends: A peptide blend is a product that contains multiple different peptides mixed together in a single formulation. These blends are often designed to provide a broad spectrum of benefits, and they can be more convenient than taking multiple different peptides separately. However, the specific ratios and types of peptides in a blend can vary widely, and not all blends are created equal. It’s important to research the specific blend to ensure it contains the peptides you want and in the right ratios.

In summary, a peptide stack refers to the practice of using multiple different peptides together, each for a specific purpose, while a peptide blend is a product that contains multiple different peptides mixed together. Both approaches can be effective, but the best choice will depend on your specific goals, needs, and preferences.

What Peptides can I stack? (How To be SAFE)

Stacking Peptides is incredibly common. It is so common, in fact, that companies now release Peptides that are already pre-mixed. Overall, they will have similar goals between them, such as weight loss or muscle gain. To stack Peptides, follow these rules:

1) Pay attention to side effects

Do not use Peptides that will cause the same type of side effects. For instance, using two Peptides that’ll raise blood sugar levels could be bad.

2) Have a clear goal

Once you have a clear goal (weight loss, muscle growth, or recovery) then you can decide which Peptides to stack with one another.

That said, here are some very common Peptides to stack with one another:



3) GHRH + GHRP + HGH Frag

4) GHRH + GHRP + HGH Frag + Melanotan

These are some common stacks, but since there are about 100 different Peptides, it can be hard to list them all. If you are looking to stack Peptides but you are unsure, you can use the option “Get a Coach” on the top of your screen, and I’ll help you.

Another thing to consider is that Peptides can be used for more than just muscle strength gains and body composition changes. They are wildly effective for muscle recovery and reducing muscle soreness.

1) Best Stacks for Fat Loss

GHRP6 and CJC-1295

These peptides, together with the release of growth hormone, stimulate lipolysis and inhibit lipogenesis, thereby reducing excess subcutaneous fat.  It is recommended to use 100 mcg of GHRP-6 and 150 mcg of CJC 1295 per day for effective fat loss. 

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Semaglutide and AOD 9604

Semaglutide is well-known for its effects on fat loss. The peptide also decreases appetite, thereby aiding in the said process. AOD 9604, on the other hand, is often referred to as anti-obesity medication. 

Together these peptides can form a powerful stack when it comes to fat loss. It is advised to use 0.25 mg/week of Semaglutide and 300 mcg/day of AOD 9604. 

Ipamorelin and Sermorelin

Although these peptides are effective when it comes to muscle growth, one can use them to speed up the process of fat loss as well. 

This is due to Growth Hormoneโ€™s ability to promote lipolysis. For fat loss, using 200-300 mcg/day of Ipamorelin and 200 mcg/day of Sermorelin is recommended. 

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HGH Fragment and Carnitine

HGH Fragment is a spliced-out version of human growth hormone, primarily containing its lipolytic properties. Carnitine, on the other hand, is an important cofactor that helps in the production of energy by transferring long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria for oxidation. Therefore, both of these can help with fat loss. 

For dosage, research indicates 2 mg of Carnitine and 200 mcg of HGH Fragment per day. 

2) Best Stacks for muscle growth 

Ipamorelin and CJC-1295

Both of these peptides result in increased growth hormone production. With high serum levels, Growth Hormone stimulates protein synthesis, leading to enhanced muscle growth and lean muscle mass. 

For dosage, it is advised to use 150 mcg of Ipamorelin and CJC 1295 per day for optimized growth. 

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Ipamorelin and Sermorelin

Sermorelin, alongside Ipamorelin, is a powerful bodybuilding peptide. When stacked together, there is a marked increase in muscle growth that is often used during the bulking phase. 

For Sermorelin, it is recommended to use 200 mcg per day, however, for Ipamorelin, 200 to 300 mcg is good to go. 

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IGF LR3 and HGH Fragment

IGF LR3 is a complicated and lengthened analog of IGF-1 found in the body. It works via various mechanisms alongside having greater metabolic stability to boost protein synthesis, especially the muscle cells. This can be synergized by using HGH Fragment with it. 

For dosage, 20 to 40 mcg of IGF LR3 and 200 mcg of HGH Fragment per day are recommended. 

Follistatin and ACE 031

Both of these peptides primarily work by inhibiting myostatin. Myostatin is a muscle growth regulator and essentially limits its growth. Via this pathway, both of these peptides help in increasing muscle growth and bulk. 

As far as the studied dosage is concerned, for Follistatin, 50 to 100 mcg/day and 3 mg/kg of ACE 031 is recommended. 

3) Best Stacks for Growth Hormone Release 

GHRP-2 and Sermorelin

Both of these peptides are growth hormone-releasing hormone analogs. This means that by stimulating the anterior pituitary, they directly stimulate the natural release of growth hormone in the body. 

This is particularly helpful when treating disorders accompanying growth hormone deficiency.  For this purpose, 150-300 mcg of GHRP-2 and 200 mcg of Sermorelin per day are generally recommended. 

Ipamorelin and CJC-1295

These peptides are strong stimulators of Growth hormones, making them a popular stack. They both also maintain the homeostatic levels of the hormone as well. It is advised to use 150 mcg of Ipamorelin and CJC 1295 per day. 

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4) Best Stacks for Endurance 

GHRP-6 and Sermorelin

Since both of these are potent stimulators of muscle growth and growth hormone release, stacking them together can also aid in increasing endurance, especially during workouts. 

For this purpose, 100 mcg per day of each peptide should suffice. 

GHRP-6 and CJC-1295

Both of these peptides, besides increasing fat loss and muscle growth, also aid in boosting endurance and making you feel stronger altogether. It is recommended to use 100 mcg of GHRP-6 and 150 mcg of CJC 1295 per day for maximum effects. 

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5) Best Stacks for Females 

Ipamorelin and CJC-1295

This is indeed a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to peptide stacks. Both of these peptides are well known for their effects on muscle mass, fat loss, and even anti-aging. 

Therefore, this is one of the potent stacks, especially for females. For dosage, it is advised to use 150 mcg of Ipamorelin and CJC 1295 per day. 

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Semaglutide and Sermorelin

This stack is particularly helpful when you want to lose excess fat, all the while maintaining or gaining muscle mass. 

With Semaglutideโ€™s ability to increase fat loss and Sermorelinโ€™s effects on muscle growth, this peptide is best for female athletes. 100 mcg/day of Sermorelin and 0.25 mg/week of Semaglutide are often the recommended dosages. 

IGF-1 and HGH Fragment

Both of these peptides are naturally occurring hormones that increase the production and release of growth hormone which tends to decline as we age especially in females. 

For this purpose, 200 mcg of HGH Fragment and 20 to 100 mcg of IGF-1 per day are recommended. 

Epitalon and Thymalin

 Epitalonโ€™s strong anti-aging properties and Thymalinโ€™s capability of stimulating a robust immune system via T-cell maturation make them one of the potent stacks for anti-aging and healthy functioning of the body. This is popular when it comes to female health. 

For this purpose, 5-10 mg of Epitalon and 10 mg of Thymalin per day are generally advised.

6) Best Stacks for Males 

Tesamorelin and Sermorelin

These peptides are primarily responsible for the bulking phase due to their potentiating effects on muscle growth and lean muscle mass. 

This is particularly well-known in male bodybuilders. It is recommended to use 200 mcg/day of Sermorelin and 2 mg/day of Tesamorelin.  

Ipamorelin and CJC-1295

This stack is also recommended for males due to its beneficial effects in fat loss, muscle growth, and healing attributes. 

Men, specifically athletes and bodybuilders, often use this stack during their workouts. For dosage, it is advised to use 150 mcg of Ipamorelin and CJC 1295 per day. 

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Kisspeptin and PT 141

By stimulating the phospholipase pathway, Kisspeptin increases the release of Gonadotropin-releasing hormone. PT 141 works in more or less the same way, except that it binds to the melanocortin receptors of the hypothalamus. Both of these peptides lead to increased libido and sexual drive. This is majorly used by males to treat erectile dysfunction.

For dosage, research recommends using 10 mg of Kisspeptin and 1.75 mg of PT 141 per day.

7) Best Stracks for anti-aging 

Epitalon and Thymalin

Epitalonโ€™s strong anti-aging properties and Thymalinโ€™s capability of stimulating a robust immune system via T-cell maturation make them one of the potent stacks for anti-aging and healthy functioning of the body. 

For this purpose, 5-10 mg of Epitalon and 10 mg of Thymalin per day are generally advised. 

Ipamorelin and CJC-1295

Both of these are indeed one of the best combinations when it comes to muscle growth. However, with their healing attributes, they make the body look younger and healthier. 

For dosage, it is advised to use 150 mcg of Ipamorelin and CJC 1295 per day for optimized growth.  

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Matrixyl and Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-4

Both of these peptides are quite famous when it comes to anti-aging, specifically skin care. Both of these work via particular mechanisms to reduce skin wrinkles and fine lines present on the face through stimulating collagen synthesis and hyaluronic acid. Studies are still going on regarding the safety of these peptides and therefore, no specific dosage is recommended. 

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8) Best Stacks for Libido 

Melanotan I and Melanotan ll

Although these peptides are primarily responsible for tanning, theyโ€™re indeed helpful when it comes to treating erectile dysfunction in men and low libido in women. For this, it is advised to use 0.25 mg to 2 mg of each peptide per day.

Kisspeptin and PT 141

By stimulating the phospholipase pathway, Kisspeptin increases the release of Gonadotropin-releasing hormone. PT 141 works in more or less the same way, except that it binds to the melanocortin receptors of the hypothalamus. Both of these peptides lead to increased libido and sexual drive. For dosage, research recommends using 10 mg of Kisspeptin and 1.75 mg of PT 141 per day. 

9) Best Stacks for Tanning 

Melanotan I and Melanotan ll

Both of these are potent skin tanning peptides used all over the world. They are particularly helpful when you want to avoid a long duration of UV radiation for tan. For optimum benefits, it is advised to use 0.25 mg to 2 mg of each peptide per day. 

10) Best Stacks for Sleep 

DSIP and Epitalon

DSIP is one of the potent sleep stimulators naturally secreted by the hypothalamus. It increases sleep regulation and reduces motor activities to revitalize deep sleep. When stacked with Epitalon, you get the chance to regulate your sleep patterns. For Dosage, 10 mg of Epitalon and 0.1 ml of DSIP is usually recommended. 

11) Best stacks for healing 

BPC-157 and TB-500

BPC157 promotes angiogenesis, thereby increasing blood flow to injured tissues. Whereas TB 500 reduces inflammation and soreness in muscles. 

When stacked together, both of these peptides promote the healing and rejuvenation of cells. It is recommended to use 500 mcg/day of BPC 157 and approximately 5 mg/twice weekly of TB 500. 

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GHRP-2 and Sermorelin

Besides increasing muscle mass via enhanced growth hormone production, both of these peptides are reported to have beneficial effects in healing. Nonetheless, GHRP-2 directly increases growth hormone production, whereas Sermorelin is a Growth hormone-releasing hormone analog. For this purpose, 150-300 mcg of GHRP-2 and 200 mcg of Sermorelin per day are generally recommended. 

How Do Peptides Work?

If you haven’t learned by now, there are multiple Peptides. Some are amazing at increasing muscular growth while some will only be good at burning fat. Some will even only be used for muscle endurance.

The mechanism in which the Peptide works depends on which Peptide you end up using. For instance, a GHRH (such as CJC 1295) will interact with Growth Hormone Secretagogue receptors and cause an increase in HGH production.

Some Peptides that are more commonly used like Creatine, will increase Creatine phosphate levels in the body. More Creatine phosphate means more explosive power and strength. Other Peptides will be used from a health perspective as they can decrease Cholesterol levels.

Figure 1: Interactions of Growth Hormone on the Body

The human body reacts to various Peptides and other research chemicals, and each Peptide will interact differently. Compared to a “best Steroid stack”, Peptides are far less likely to cause side effects.

Peptides fall under the term Research Chemicals” and therefore may only be sold as a “research chemical”. They cannot be sold for human consumption, and they are illegal in tested sports.

Some Peptides can be obtained through an Online Peptide Clinic like Marek Health, where you will have professional medical advice. These are mostly Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides that will simply increase the amount of Growth produced by your Pituitary gland.

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8) PMID: 15133506.


Daniel Louwrens BSc PT

Daniel Louwrens BSc PT | Writer

Daniel Louwrens is a well-rounded fitness professional with over 10 years of experience in bodybuilding and fitness. He holds a BSc in Chemistry from the University of Western Cape and is a certified International Personal Trainer and Nutritionist. He is also a skilled bodybuilder and head coach for Muscle and Brawn. With his knowledge and expertise, he provides personalized training, nutrition, and recovery guidance to help clients reach their fitness goals.

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Dr. Mohammed Fouda

Dr. Mohammed Fouda | Reviewer

Dr. Fouda uses his extensive knowledge and expertise as an academic scholar to medically review articles for scientific accuracy and credibility, ensuring that the medical information presented is up-to-date and trustworthy. He is responsible for ensuring the quality of the medical information presented on our website.

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7 months ago

Been reading for days and would like some guidance 59 years old/young slowing down and injury is taking its toll want to repair and see if I can loose a small amount of body fat coupled with a little extra muscle mass. Iโ€™m 163cm and 58 kg and an x semi professional athlete who still trains 4-5 times per week. So my question is can I get the results I need from a stack of supplements vs a stack of peptides as Iโ€™m not to excited by using SARMโ€™s. Thanks Simon.

Michael Webb
Michael Webb
4 months ago

I notice that the stacks listed all consist of 2 peptides. I was wondering how many peptides can be safely taken at one time . What would be the danger of overlap given that some of these substances seem to have a range of benefits ? I presume this would depend on the mechanisms by which each works. As an example,,,could one use Ipamorelin/CJC 1295 for their various benefits and also use BPC-157 and/or TB-500 for recovery ? Are there other advisable stacks that can be safely and effectively combined in this manner ?

3 months ago
Reply to  Michael Webb

Most peptides are very different so the chance of redundancy is pretty low. Maybe ghrp’s possibly but what you asked I’ve done for many years. My current peptide stack has ipam/cjc no dac – bpc157/tb500 – ghk-cu (copper peptide) and I also use tesofensine and semax (inhaler)…Unlike stacking hormonal compounds of testosterone and androgens where there seems to be “too much” isn’t a good thing. It seems with what I’ve got going in my stack gets better with each item being added. All different and unique pathways. -hypothetically of course since this is “research”.

3 months ago

I’m wondering if there is a good stack for a person with diabetes to put on muscle?

Autumn Payne
Autumn Payne
23 days ago

Iโ€™ve accidentally added 3ml of Lipo-C to 50mg of GHK-CU. And 1ml of Lipo-C to 5mg of Tesamorelin. I was obv attempting to reconstitute with Bac water and used the wrong vial. Can anyone tell me
If I can add Bac water and still use these? I spent a lot of $ on them and Iโ€™m so stressed about having to toss them. Can they be saved?


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