Anavar: Side Effects, Dosage, Results and Where to Buy

Anavar review, should you buy it

If you lift weights or you’re on the bodybuilding scene, you’ve almost certainly heard of Anavar. This is one of the most-talked about steroids and is whispered about in countless gyms all over the world.

I remember first hearing about the drug a couple of years ago, when one of my friends said “Jim has taken Anavar!”

Disclaimer: Jim isn’t his real name.

He showed me Jim’s before and after picturs and I was totally blown away by his results!

He looked like a normal average bloke in the ‘before’ picture, carrying quite a bit of weight around the midsection, with little muscle definition and no visible abs. But then in the ‘after’ picture (16 weeks later) he looked like a ripped action hero.

So, is Anavar really as good as what it’s hyped up to be?


What are the side effects?

Where do you buy it from?

How much does it cost? 

I’ll be answering all of these questions and more in this article.

What is Anavar?

Oxandrolone, or better known as Anavar, is one of the most popular oral steroids of all time. Anavar works in the same way as most anabolic steroids, by stripping body fat and adding lean muscle mass.

One of the main reasons people take Anavar is to get leaner, whilst trying to keep hold of their hard-earned muscle mass. Anavar increases the amount of red blood cells in your body, which improves endurance. It also increases your metabolic rate, increase your calorie expenditure.

Anavar was formulated in the 1960s and it’s original purpose was to increase muscle mass in patients suffering from muscle-wasting diseases. However, now it’s used by a many people all over the world and here’s why…

Anavar is a very popular drug amongst gym-goers, because it’s one of the safest anabolic steroids and comes with minimal side effects. The drug far surpasses traditional testosterone in the body, which makes it easier to build and hold onto muscle whilst getting lean.

Anavar is also popular among those looking to increase their strength, espeically when trying to maintain a low body fat percentage or on lower calories. Thus athletes such as bodybuilders, rugby players, ice hockey players (and more) can all benefit from taking anavar. Thus it’s not just a steroid used to help your body look much better in the mirror, but also to enhance performance.

Legal Anavar Alternative
Anvarol By Crazy Bulk
  • Significantly increased power and strength during workouts
  • A capability to exercise for longer and at a higher intensity
  • Cut calories and fat while still preserving lean muscle and without retaining water
  • Enhance the appearance of veins

Is Anavar legal? 

Like with other anabolic steroids, Anavar is illegal in most countries, unless you have a prescription from your doctor.

Anavar is officially classed as a schedule III controlled substance in the U.S. However, there are companies who sell derivative versions (compounds almost identical) to anavar online. However, if you do go down this route don’t buy from companies with poorly designed websites or ones which don’t list their address, as you could get scammed. People also sell Anavar on the black market, which is where most people get it from.

Anavar in Bodybuilding

Anavar is particularly popular in bodybuilding, with it thought to be the most popular steroid on the market today. Var’s in high demand because women take it as well as men (which can’t be said about other steroids). Also people who are worried about steroid’s side effects are more inclined to take anavar as the risks are lower.

Although it’s easy for the average gym rat to buy anavar now, it hasn’t always been this way. For example in previous years anavar was hard to get hold off, especially during 1989 to 1994. This was because the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) was under pressure to tighten its grip on the anabolic steroid market. Consequently anavar became very difficult to get hold of during and as with all scarce products it pushed the price up high (resulting in less people consuming the drug).

In recent years however the price for anavar has dropped because it’s becoming easier to get hold of again. We liv in a day and age now where with a little bit of research you can simply go online and order some anavar straight to your home.

It’s popular amongst bodybuilders because anavar’s considered a mild compound. Although there are several side effects, because it’s not overly powerful or toxic, most of these side effects can usually be avoided.

Because anavar can build muscle and reduce body fat simulatenously, whilst having minimal side effects; it’s easy to understand why gym rats are popping var pills like they’re candy.

Anavar Benefits

Anavar has many positive benefits, but here are some of the most commonly experienced ones:

#1 Increase In Strength – users experience exceptional levels of strength when taking anavar, making it one of the best steroids to take if you’re trying to set new PR’s in the gym.

In order to increase the size of your muscles you can either:

1) get stronger or 2) increase cell swelling (also known as hypertrophy training i.e. pumping up the muscles).

The reason why anavar is so effective at increasing strength is because of its effect on testosterone levels, in particular DHT, the most powerful androgen in your body.

Elevated levels of testosterone always results in more strength, size and performance during workouts.

#2 Improved Vascularity – in bodybuilding, vascularity is when you can see someone’s veins underneath the surface of their skin. Veins which are particularly prominent can often resemble a road map on a person’s body.

Although there are genetic limitations and not everyone experiences a lot of vascularity, anavar drastically improves your chances of having veins piercing through your your biceps. This is because anavar reduces the fat which is covering your veins, and it fills your muscles with more glycogen, giving them more fullness.  The leaner you get, the more vascularity you’ll be able to show off to your friends.

…Maybe not to girls though, veins don’t seem to be their thing.

#3 Fat Loss – In order to lose body fat you need to create a calorie deficit either through diet or exercise (ideally both). Anavar helps to create a calorie deficit by stimulating your metabolism.

Anavar also slashes cortisol levels, enabling you to burn fat from stubborn areas (lower abdomen).

#4 Preserving Muscle 

One issue some athletes/bodybuilders can experience when in a calorie deficit is muscle loss. A good example of this is when you see men/women on stage who look really lean and shredded but have lost plenty of muscle size in the build up to the show.

When you get into single digit body fat percentage (9% or below) your body goes into serious survival mode where it’s no longer advantageous for your body to hold onto muscle, it can therefore start to use muscle for fuel, instead of body fat.

Body fat is imperative from a survival point of view, and needed to support vital organs like the heart and to support healthy brain functioning, so when your body fat % is very low your body will do what it can to protect what little you have left.

When in survival mode stress hormones increase too, which causes the body to go into shut down mode, releasing hormones that increase appetite, whilst stopping any additional fat from being burned and increasing the likelihood of future fat storage.

Anavar however prevents muscle loss by significantly reducing cortisol (stress) levels.

Anavar Side Effects

Like with all hormone-altering substances there are potential side effects.

#1 Common side effects – According to the leaflet on an anavar bottle/packet, side effects may include: nausea, headaches, skin rash, hair loss, lowered libido, and oily skin. If you notice any of the following then tell your doctor right away.>

#2 Hair Loss – like all DHT anabolic steroids Anavar side effects may include hair loss and acne (7), although it’s been reported that most people who fall prey to these effects are already predisposed to do so anyway.

For example male pattern baldness is a predetermined genetic condition that may be brought on more quickly through steroid usage. If you’re worried about losing your hair, avoid taking Anavar or consider a legal anavar steroid alternative that doesn’t have these side effects.

#3 Suppresses natural testosterone – The trouble with anabolic steroids is that although they provide an added boost of testosterone whilst you’re on them, they also lower your natural testosterone.

Even though anavar is classed as a very mild steroid, in a study performed in 1999 it was shown that just 15mg of the drug decreased natural testosterone levels by nearly 40% (8).

If you are worried about your testosterone levels, then get them checked out by your doctor before taking any steroids and make-sure you go for regular check ups to extra cautious.

#4 Toxicity – As Anavar is consumed orally it must pass through the liver, and even though Anavar is considered a mild steroid you should be careful. There should be no alcohol consumed whilst taking the drug and it’s advised to consult your doctor if you are taking any current medications.

Anybody with a history of liver problems must stay away from Anavar completely. For those who do use Anavar it’s advised to take a liver support supplement (9) like milk thistle.

Anavar dose & Cycle

Although there are slightly varying opinions it appears that the recommend amount of time to take Anavar for is around 2-4 months (8-16 weeks).

For the Oxandrolone cycle to work it’s best to take Anavar tablets with a full meal (13)

For males who are new to Anavar it’s advised to take 30mg a day for the first week. Depending on your results and how you feel you can then start to increase the dosage for the next couple of weeks.

It’s advised not to increase the dose too dramatically whilst on a cycle. One popular way to increase the dose is to go up by 10mg per week. That means after the first week (30mg per day) you’ll go upto 40mg for the second week and then 50mg for the 3rd week.

You can keep increasing again depending on results, recovery and how you’re feeling. The maximum dosage that can be safely consumed is 100mg everyday, but that’s only for advance users who are used to taking the drug and have built up their tolerance. The same can be said for coming off Anavar where you slowly lower the dose rather than just abruptly stopping and shocking your body.

Whatever the dosage you take, it’s recommended to divide it into 2 segments of the day i.e. take half with breakfast and half with dinner.

For women Anavar users (14) it’s advised to start on much lower amounts. For most starting on 2.5mg-5mg per day will suffice. The Anavar cycle will also be shorter (4-6 weeks) compared to the male cycle which may potentially last for up to 16 weeks. Like the men (see above) the dosages can be increased, although not as high, for example 20mg per day could be at a peak level before pulling the back down to cycle off.

Typical Anavar Bulking Results…

Anavar is more favoured to take when trying to lean down and maintain muscle mass although some users do report to gain muscle whilst on a cycle.

Anavar is a mild steroid (12) and wont do much in terms of building muscle, in fact most men on 20mg of Dianabol will gain more lean tissue than the person who takes 100mg of Anavar.

For those on an Off-season and trying to bulk up, especially for bodybuilders, power lifters and power athletes like sprinters, Olympic weight lifters, etc then Anavar results for building muscle disappoint compared to steroids which are notorious for gaining muscle mass – Testosterone, Dianabol, and Trenbolone to name but a few. It’s therefore not recommend if gaining mass, size and strength is the number one priority.

Typical Anavar Cutting Results…

For the athlete and average guy looking to keep muscle mass and lean down Anavar seems to be a good fitting steroid to take. The results can be summed up very easily: a leaner, harder and more aesthetically pleasing physique. The Oxandrolone hormone greatly preserves and repairs muscle tissue but it further promotes total metabolic activity and makes it easier for the body to focus on burning fat.

Performance Enhancing Anavar Results…

For performance athletes, and those who don’t solely rely on muscle to improve performance Anavar could be a good addition during the off-season. For example for an off-season ice hockey player, or for a rugby player the results may be more welcomed during this phase of the season. Anavar can help repair muscle damage through training and allow these types of athletes to train harder, and more frequently. It can help repair muscle damage after a player receives and impact injury i.e. from a body check, fall or fast paced collision.

Other Factors That Impact Anavar Results…

Like with all performance enhancing drugs the results will differ from person to person. It’s impossible to say what Anavar will do for each individual because there are numerous factors involved that can affect results such as:

#1 Training – what type of training plan are you following? Is it structured and well thought out or is it something that you’ve just pulled out of a Flex Magazine or Mens Health. Depending on what plan you’re following will effect the overall results.

#2 Experience – if you’ve never been to the gym and are very inexperienced then it’s not necessary to jump to performance enhancing drugs. Hire a personal trainer and tidy up your nutrition and you’ll notice improvements. If a beginner takes Anavar although they may notice some improvements they likely wont see the same improvements as somebody who’s been training for 5+ years and has thousands of hours lifting experience.

#3 Nutrition – people are often quick to reach for anabolic steroids because they have the belief that they are a fast track ticket to amazing results, but whilst they can enhance performance and speed up the process you also need to support your body with the correct nutrition. The results of the drugs will be enhanced when combined with a healthy diet. You still have to hit your daily protein, carb and fat intake.

#4 Rest and Recovery – How are you sleeping? Alongside Anavar will you be taking any stimulants – caffeine or something stronger like clenbuterol? Lots of people who take performance enhancing drugs take a multitude of different drugs/supplements alongside, how are these impacting on your recovery and rest? What about joint pain, muscle damage, toxicity in the body, etc. When taking Anavar it’s important to take the correct measures and cycle off and on correctly to avoid burn out and long term damage to you health.

Warning: The content on and the information included in this article is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Prior to buying anything, check that it is compliant where you live with your current government laws. We frequently mention research chemicals that are not made for human consumption. Therefore, before purchasing any product for personal use, consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first.

Anavar reviews (reddit/forums etc)

You only have to type in ‘Anavar’ into google to find pages and pages of information, Anavar reviews (15) and also land on a bunch of bodybuilding forums where people discuss the pro’s and con’s and share their body transformation results. There’s a bunch of stuff that you can read about and see how others have responded to taking Anavar and what product they’ve used.

You can go onto Youtube and watch users discuss their first experience and listen to people debate about what they think and how much they’ve taken and for how long.

There are different Anavar brands that regularly pop up online, all you have to do is go on to read the forums and see what people have used and what they think.

Even though more and more people are open to discussing their Anavar/Steroid experience, there’s definitely room for improvement and more could be shared, especially by the likes of ex pro bodybuilders, etc. Those like Lee Priest or outspoken bodybuilder ‘Aarron Lambo’ who are not afraid to speak up and reveal some of the darker secrets of the bodybuilding world.

Even though steroids like Anavar are still largely a taboo topic, it’s important to share information write reviews, blogs, articles, videos, etc, etc so that people can learn more and make better decisions before inducing powerful chemical substances.


Some people say they don’t notice much on anavar, which I put down to a too-low dose. However, the people who said it DOES work for them also said their gains are dose-dependent (which is what I find).

For example, in my own experience, anything under 80mg will NOT result in significant fat loss or strength gains. In my opinion you need this dose or higher to save wasting your money.

Anavar vs Winstrol

Some critics question anavar, saying winstrol is a superior cutting steroid. I personally believe anavar is the ‘better steroid’, because although you can expect to build more muscle on winny; you’re also a lot more likely to experience harsher side effects (especially on the joints).

Not to mention that anavar will keep your muscles looking fuller on-cycle.

Anavar Side Effects

Anavar is a relatively mild steroid, compared to other AAS such as trenbolone or anadrol. However, anavar’s a banned substance and is illegal to buy in many countries – without a prescription (including US and UK).

However, this doesn’t stop gym rats purchasing oxandrolone illegally via pharmaceutical companies or underground labs.

Despite anavar being one of the most user-friendly anabolics, it can still cause the following side effects:

  • Decreased testosterone production
  • Hair loss
  • Acne
  • Liver strain
  • Increased LDL cholesterol levels
  • Higher blood pressure

One of the reasons why Anavar’s so popular is because its side effects are very mild, compared to other anabolic steroids. Thus, Anavar is considered a ‘safer’ steroid after decades of trials and research.

In bodybuilding circles, many believe Anavar to be the safest steroid ever created. Doctors do prescribe Anavar to children with cachexia, demonstrating its low toxicity but this does not mean that it’s illegal and unsupervised use is safe as well.

In fact, many interactions or side effects are possible when taking Anavar.

In this article I’m going to outline some negative reactions you might experience on Anavar, so you can make an educated decision on whether the pros outweigh the cons when taking this anabolic steroid.

Note: It is common for Anavar users to not experience any side effects at all, depending on the dose. However, some of the side effects below can be experienced by certain individuals.

Testosterone Levels

ALL anabolic steroids will shut down testosterone levels to different extents. How much you’ll be shut you down will vary, depending on which steroid you take.

Anavar’s one of the best steroids for keeping your natural testosterone levels as high as possible after a cycle. However, Anavar still has the potential to reduce your male hormone production, even if it’s to a small degree.

In practical terms, this may result in slightly less energy, mood, or/and motivation temporarily.

This testosterone-suppressing effect however is likely to be mild, with endogenous testosterone levels usually recovering in a matter of weeks or a couple of months.

A PCT is not generally used to help restore testosterone levels from an anavar-only cycle, as most people tolerate the drug very well.

Anavar acne/hair loss

Anavar does spike dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels which can contribute to acne and hair loss. The reason why acne can occur on Anavar is because DHT triggers the androgenic receptors in your skin leading to increased sebum production and body hair while suppressing hair growth on your head.

If you have a genetic risk to lose your hair in the near future, Anavar may accelerate this balding process.

Some bodybuilders see it as: we are all going to lose our hair, so there’s no point worrying about it. 

Medications such as finasteride can be used to significantly reduce DHT levels in the body, decreasing hair loss. However, this may result in decreased muscle gains, as DHT is a very anabolic hormone.

Some users can experience hair loss from a steroid cycle, then once the cycle has finished the hair comes back thicker and fuller. However, if you are taking high doses of Anavar or other steroids for excessive periods of time, hair loss can become permanent. If cycles are kept short and dosages remain modest, any hair thinning may be reversed post-cycle.

Note: If you are worried about losing your hair, steroids aren’t for you.

Liver Toxicity

Anavar is an oral steroid, thus some of the drug has to pass through the liver before entering the bloodstream. This can cause some stress on the liver, however, this effect is thought to be mild, due to the steroid also being metabolized by the kidneys.

Everyone’s genetics are different, thus it would be a good idea to monitor your liver enzymes on any steroid cycle. Also, it would be sensible to limit alcohol intake when taking Anavar or other oral steroids.

In Summary

In short, Anavar’s side effects are very minimal. It remains as one of the few anabolic steroids still approved by the FDA. However, like with anything in life you’ll always get some sensitive individuals or those who choose to overdose.

Thus, Anavar cannot be considered a 100% side effect free to every human on the planet.

Anavar’s typically an expensive steroid, although still highly coveted. This is due to it producing:

  • Exceptional strength gains
  • Increased muscle size
  • Enhanced fat loss

Note: Although Anavar is a relatively safe steroid to take, it is still illegal to buy for recreational purposes. It is only legal when prescribed by a doctor for medical purposes. Doctors will not prescribe this to healthy bodybuilders, thus we recommend you use a legal alternative, such as Anvarol. Anvarol mimics the effects of Anavar, with zero side effects; and it’s 100% legal.

Anavar Side Effects (In Women)

So many women use Anavar today, which is why one of its nicknames is – the ‘girl steroid’. This is because no other steroid produces such mild side effects in females.

Many women who are thinking of taking steroids are afraid of their bodies changing, eventually looking like a man. This is known as virilization – when a woman starts to develop manly features.

Anavar is one of the “best steroids” to take if you’re determined to burn fat, build muscle, and keep your feminine beauty.

However, it IS possible for Anavar to cause virilization if high doses are taken and cycles last beyond 8 weeks. Thus women should keep in the 5-10mg per day dosing range. Anything higher than this may result in masculinization. In this case, a woman may experience a deeper voice, increased body hair, and clitoral enlargement.

It’s important to note that virilization side effects are rare in women (who use moderate doses of Anavar). And even if they did occur, they aren’t permanent so as soon as you stop taking Anavar; your hormones will balance out and these male characteristics are likely to disappear.

Note: To further reduce the risk of virilization, women are recommended to cycle anavar for only 4-6 weeks.

Anavar Cycle

Anavar is often labeled as the safest steroid for beginners, causing significant fat loss and noticeable lean muscle gains. Side effects are rarely experienced by men or women on Anavar, hence how it is FDA approved in medicine.

A noteworthy side effect with Anavar is a modest decline in endogenous testosterone production. Natural test levels will not get shut down, but they will decrease. Such declines typically shoot back up post-cycle within several weeks to a couple of months.

Muscle gains will not be overly dramatic on Anavar, compared to the other compounds on this list, however, if a huge mass isn’t the goal; an Anavar-only cycle is often chosen.

An Anavar-only cycle is common among users wary of side effects and is often administered by those who are afraid of taking steroids in general (but opt for Anavar due to its high safety profile).

An example of Anavar-Only Cycle

anavar only cycle

This is a conservative dose for males during the first cycle. In future Anavar cycles, 20mg may be used from the 1st week onward; and the length of a cycle may be increased to 8 weeks.

PCT: Due to Anavar only being a mild steroid, a PCT is not essential, as users do not typically ‘crash’. Thus, hormones typically will regulate back to normal within several weeks.

Anavar Reviews

You only have to type in ‘Anavar’ into google to find pages and pages of information, Anavar reviews (15) and also land on a bunch of bodybuilding forums where people discuss the pro’s and con’s and share their body transformation results. There’s a bunch of stuff that you can read about and see how others have responded to taking Anavar and what product they’ve used.

You can go onto Youtube and watch users discuss their first experience and listen to people debate about what they think and how much they’ve taken and for how long.

There are different Anavar brands that regularly pop up online, all you have to do is go on to read the forums and see what people have used and what they think.

Even though more and more people are open to discussing their Anavar/Steriod experience, there’s definitely room for improvement and more could be shared, especially by the likes of ex pro bodybuilders, etc. Those like Lee Priest or outspoken bodybuilder ‘Aarron Lambo’ who are not afraid to speak up and reveal some of the darker secrets of the bodybuilding world.

Even though steroids like Anavar are still largely a taboo topic, it’s important to share information write reviews, blogs, articles, videos, etc, etc so that people can learn more and make better decisions before inducing powerful chemical substances.

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Anavar Before and After Photos

f you take anavar and you just sit on the couch stuffing your face with twinkies, don’t expect much. Steroids like anavar are very effective, but they aren’t magic pills and still require hard-work in and out of the gym.

However, if you consistently eat in a calorie deficit and then throw anavar into the equation; you can bet it’s going to ramp up your fat loss. As an estimate, you can expect to burn 1% of body fat per week from taking anavar.

You may burn a little more fat or less than this; but the main point here is that anavar WORKS when taken by a dedicated individual.

In terms of pure weight loss, you’re probably looking at losing around 12lbs in a 4 week cycle.

And possibly approximately 20lbs when taken for 8 weeks.

Anavar Results

Lazar’s before/after (above) is a good example of an ‘anavar transformation’. I’m not saying Lazar 100% took anavar, but if you diet hard and work your butt off, these results are typical of someone taking anavar for 8 weeks.

He hasn’t gained much muscle during this transformation, he’s just lost 7% or so of body fat. As you can see, you’ll be surprised how much more muscular you can look from simply losing fat. This is why you can look so much bigger after a cut, because fat hides all your definition and vascularity.

…It also helps if you get a tan in your after photo!

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Where to Buy Anavar? (Oxandrolone)

So you’ve made the choice to start taking Anavar (oxandrolone), but where can you buy it from?

There are 2 paths you can take when trying to purchase anavar:

  1. The black market (illegal)
  2. Buy a legal alternative to Anavar online

Or if you happen to be best friends with your local doctor, he might just prescribe you a cycle or two for Christmas. However, as you can imagine, this is extremely unlikely to happen.

The Black Market

Anavar is illegal in almost every country in the world, bar Thailand & Mexico. So, if you don’t live in either of these countries and you want to buy anavar – you’ll have to do some dodgy dealings via the black market.

Which in real life terms, means finding someone who sells oxandrolone down your local gym. The problem is – when you buy anavar illegally you’re putting complete faith in someone who is doing something illegal.

Thus it’s pretty common for people to get scammed when trying to buy anavar. Also anavar’s pretty rare, making it expensive on the black market. As a result, the risk is even higher when trying to obtain this steroid as dealers often cut the dose without you knowing, or sell you fillers to increase their profit margins.

So if you want to buy anavar from the black market, the key is to get a good, reliable supplier (which is difficult to come by). However, this method is not only breaking the law. but also putting your health in danger. Unethical suppliers have been the cause of users experiencing terrible side effects, by selling substances which weren’t steroids.

Is Anavar legal? 

Like with other anabolic steroids, Anavar is illegal in most countries, unless you have a prescription from your doctor.

Anavar is officially classed as a schedule III controlled substance in the U.S. However, there are companies who sell derivative versions (compounds almost identical) to anavar online. However, if you do go down this route don’t buy from companies with poorly designed websites or ones which don’t list their address, as you could get scammed. People also sell Anavar on the black market, which is where most people get it from.

Anavar in Bodybuilding

Anavar is particularly popular in bodybuilding, with it thought to be the most popular steroid on the market today. Var’s in high demand because women take it as well as men (which can’t be said about other steroids). Also people who are worried about steroid’s side effects are more inclined to take anavar as the risks are lower.

Although it’s easy for the average gym rat to buy anavar now, it hasn’t always been this way. For example in previous years anavar was hard to get hold off, especially during 1989 to 1994. This was because the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) was under pressure to tighten its grip on the anabolic steroid market. Consequently anavar became very difficult to get hold of during and as with all scarce products it pushed the price up high (resulting in less people consuming the drug).

In recent years however the price for anavar has dropped because it’s becoming easier to get hold of again. We liv in a day and age now where with a little bit of research you can simply go online and order some anavar straight to your home.

It’s popular amongst bodybuilders because anavar’s considered a mild compound. Although there are several side effects, because it’s not overly powerful or toxic, most of these side effects can usually be avoided.

Because anavar can build muscle and reduce body fat simulatenously, whilst having minimal side effects; it’s easy to understand why gym rats are popping var pills like they’re candy.

Anavar Benefits

Legal Anavar Alternative

These days you can buy legal steroid alternatives online, with manufacturers claiming to recreate the effects of anabolic steroids; but with little to no side effects. We don’t believe such supplements are as powerful as real anavar, however they won’t pose the same dangerous side effects as oxandrolone.

There are some testimonials online of customers experiencing impressive transformations from using these legal steroids.

Crazy Bulk manufacture a ‘legal steroid’ called Anvarol which is designed for those looking to burn fat and get ripped. Anvarol, like anavar, is also suitable for women to use; especially if they’re wanting to lose weight and increase muscle tone without any negative side effects.

best steroids for fat loss

Anvarol is a cutting supplement manufactured by Crazy Bulk, designed to mimic the same fat-burning effects as anavar (oxandrolone).

…But without the side effects.

Is this all manufacture hype? Or does anvarol’s ingredient profile warrant such high praise?

Note: Readers please be wary of supplement companies which claims to recreate the effects of steroids (with natural ingredients). Nothing natural will recreate the effects, to the same degree, as real AAS. For example, an effective natural testosterone booster might increase your testosterone levels by 40%, but this is nothing compared to a steroid increasing your test levels by 500%.

However, before we judge this supplement, let’s take a look at its ingredients.

If you want to learn more about Anvarol, an Anavar alternative, go to our full Anvarol Review.


In order for anvarol to be compared to anavar it should contain ingredients that:

  1. Will burn fat
  2. Retain/build muscle
  3. Increase strength

At first glance it’s fair to say these ingredients are very weak for a natural fat-burner (especially one claiming to replicate the effects of anavar).

Soy Protein Isolate

Soy protein is a very under appreciated protein. Some research shows it to be more effective for stimulating protein synthesis than whey or casein (if you consume it with dairy) – (1). There’s also evidence to suggest soy protein has a positive effect on weight loss (2).

However, the amount of soy protein in anvarol is minuscule. It contains 150mg in each tablet (which makes up 450mg each day). To put this into perspective, a table spoon of soy protein powder will only weigh approx 18g.

Of that 18g, 16g will be pure protein.

Thus even if soy protein was insanely effective for building muscle (which it isn’t), the dose is so tiny – it will almost certainly do nothing.

Whey protein Concentrate

Everyone knows about whey protein. This is the protein naturally found in milk (alongside casein), and the most popular protein powder amongst weight lifters.

Will whey protein speed up recovery and increase protein synthesis? Sure it will. However, this is the same story as soy protein, as the quantity of whey in anvarol is tiny (0.45 grams per day).


Studies have shown that taking 5.6g of BCAAs post-workout can stimulate protein synthesis by 22% (3). However, anvarol contains a fraction of this, with a baby dose of 75mg per tablet. Underwhelming to say the least. Even if you took the whole bottle of anvarol you’d just get enough to stimulate this very modest increase in protein synthesis.

Thus even if you took the whole bottle, you’re still very unlikely to see any muscle growth from this.

Wild Yam Root

Wild yam contains DHEA precursors, which is an anabolic hormone. The higher your DHEA levels are the more muscle you’ll build. However, there aren’t any studies to suggest that wild yam is effective for building muscle.

However, contrary to anavar, wild yam root HAS shown to increase HDL cholesterol levels and improve cardiovascular health.


Otherwise known as Adenosine 5?-triphosphate. There is evidence that ATP when taken in doses of 400mg per day, can result in increased strength and muscle thickness (4). These are certainly traits of anavar. However, here’s the catch – anvarol only contains 120mg per day. Which means you’ll be getting less than a third of the dose.

Anvarol (Anavar) Results

For those who don’t know, the main two attributes of anavar is to burn fat and increase strength. Significant increases in strength can also help in sparing muscle tissue when cutting (on low calories).

Crazy Bulk customers (below) verify this is exactly what they experienced after taking Anvarol:

anavar alternative reviews

Anvarol Before and After Photos

anvarol results
anvarol customer transformation

fat loss transformation

I’ve pulled these comments and before/after pics from the Crazy Bulk website.

Note: Some of these guys have used anvarol with other legal cutting steroids in a stack for better results.

How Much Does Anavar Cost?

Anavar is typically very expensive to purchase, because it’s one of the most coveted AAS on the black market. The reason it’s so popular is because it’s a very mild steroid, meaning side effects are a lot less compared to other steroids. This makes it even more appealing among beginners and women.

60 x 10mg tablets can cost $150.

Bodybuilders usually take 50-80mg of anavar per day and run it for 6-8 weeks.

So, if you’re a newbie and you take 50mg of anavar every day for 6 weeks, this can cost over $500.

In comparison, anvarol from Crazy Bulk costs $54.99 for a months worth.

Anavar Tablets (Anvarol)

My advice is to always abide by the law. Thus if you live in Thailand, you’re free to buy anavar legally. However, people in these countries need to be careful not to abuse this steroid, as like with any drug – if you abuse it, you’re in trouble.

If you’re situated in the UK, US or other countries where anavar’s illegal – you need to very careful. People DO get sent to prison for taking steroids and if you’re doing dealings in the black market you’re running the risk of going to jail and paying a hefty fine.

However, if you do know about the risks to your health and legally and you want to buy oxandrolone, all you have to do is make friends in a hardcore bodybuilding gym. After a few conversations; you’ll be sure to find someone selling anavar. The more people that can vouch for the source, the less likely you are to get burned. 

If you’re buying anavar for its ability to burn fat and you’re short on money, a more cost-efficient choice may be clenbuterol. You’re also less likely to get scammed buying clen as it’s a more common drug compared to oxandrolone.

Anavar Price & Where to Buy Anavar

You can type Anavar into a google search engine and be flooded with different Anavar products, whether the illegal versions or the Anavar alternatives. It can be hard to know who to trust and where to buy from as there are plenty of con artists, and placebo pills that don’t contain what you think you’re paying for.

Based on internet searches for the cost of 60 x 50mg Anavar tablets you could be looking at paying £70

One highly recommend Anavar alternative, and one which is legal to buy is by a company called ‘Crazy Bulk’ they have a popular supplement called Anvarol

Crazy Bulks supplements are FDA approved, meaning they’re safe to consume without a prescription from your doctor. There are also lots of testimonials on the site with before and after pictures to back up their product claims.

Anavar Vs Alternative Steroids…

As i’m sure you’re aware there are hundreds of different types of steroids out there aside from Anavar.

Just to quickly recap… anabolic steroids are synthetic substances similar to the male sex hormone testosterone. Although doctors do prescribe them to patients, when they do it’s to help people with certain types of anaemia and for men who don’t produce enough natural testosterone.

Some of the other popular anabolic steroids (10) include: Dianabol, Testosterone, Deca Durabolin, Trenbolone, WInstrol. There are steroids which are more suited to bulking and gaining muscle (Dianabol, Anadrol, Trenbolone) and those which are taken for cutting and getting lean (Clenbuterol, Anavar, Winstrol).

Whilst they may look similar and share very similar effects some can be more potent than others and side effects do vary depending on dose, frequency, cycle length, etc.

Tablet formed steroids like Anavar are very popular because they can be consumed orally and no injections are needed. For lots of people considering taking anabolic steroids they prefer to take tablets as they are 1) ingestible 2) they don’t leave any marks like injections do 3) they are easy to transport and 4) they are easy to conceal (you’ll get guys putting their tablets in multivitamin packets, etc to hide from their partners, family, friends, etc).

Tablets vs Injection Steroids…

You’ll get people injecting steroids because it’s perceived as more extreme and some people think that you get better results – this isn’t always the case. On the flip side you get people who think tablets like Anavar are less invasive and cause less damage. Whilst this may be the case in certain circumstance don’t be fooled into thinking that just because you’re only take some small tablets that the side effects are always less – with some steroids the damage can be of equal measure whether ingested or injected. For example, and as we’ve already touched upon earlier in this post oral steroids can lead to greater liver damage. Sometimes you don’t realise until it’s too late – this is why you should get regular testosterone checks and blood tests by your doctor to protect yourself from as many negative consequences as possible. There are pro’s and con’s to both tablets and injections, make-sure to do your research, so you can make a calculated decision.

Should I take Anavar?

So after reading this post what are your thoughts on Anavar? Has it inspired you to take it or totally put you off?

Like with anything in fitness there are pro’s and con’s to every drug and every supplement. For example if you take a legal fat burner that’s high in caffeine it may raise your body temperature and improve performance but the downside is that it could affect sleep and lead you to burning out!

The same can be said with Anavar or any other performance enhancing drug, there are benefits but as we’ve discussed there are risks too.

Personally speaking I think it’s always best to run things past a health professional, for example although your doctor will advise you not to take steroids (unless for a health condition) you can explain that you are going to take them and ask for advice on how to manage and track to prevent mitigate long term health damage. You could do this by measuring testorone levels, taking blood samples, etc. It’s best to get this done before taking any performance enhancing drug so you know your levels before taking, whilst taking and after taking.

What are your reasons for taking Anavar?

Figuring out why you want to take Anavar should be one of the first steps you take. If you’ve never lifted a weight in your life before then is there any need? definitely not. If however you have lots of training experience, and are competing for a show and looking to gain every advantage you can then for those type of people it may be worth considering.

As we know steroids like Anavar improve performance, and can take your physique to the next level but it wont do so alone. You still need train correctly, eat right and you also need to cycle on and off steroids correctly and do some serious monitoring along the way.

Before taking Anavar do your research, look online, not just at articles but at published online medical journals. Have a look on forums, see what people think, what results did they achieve? what were the side effects? Look at the positive stories but look at the negative stories too, and make a decision based on what you feel comfortable with.

If you know somebody who’s taken Anavar then ask them how they got on. You want honest opinions, one’s that paint the whole picture, not the one’s that say it’s perfect and has no side effects just because they want you to buy their Anavar product!

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O’Connor M.D, Thomas (2018), America on Steroids: A Time to Heal. Cheshire, CT: Metabolic Promotion LLC. pp. 57-77.

Llewellyn, William (2011), Anabolics. Jupiter, FL: Molecular Nutrition. pp. 376-386.

Anavar Side Effects






Llewellyn, William (2011), Anabolics. Jupiter, FL: Molecular Nutrition. pp. 376-386.

O’Connor M.D, Thomas (2018), America on Steroids: A Time to Heal. Cheshire, CT: Metabolic Promotion LLC. pp. 57-77.

Where to Buy Anvarol


Llewellyn, William (2011), Anabolics. Jupiter, FL: Molecular Nutrition. pp. 376-386.

O’Connor M.D, Thomas (2018), America on Steroids: A Time to Heal. Cheshire, CT: Metabolic Promotion LLC. pp. 57-77.

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Dr Thomas O'Connor MD

Dr Thomas O'Connor MD | Writer

After many years of caring for thousands of men on testosterone and anabolic steroids Dr. Thomas O'Connor created Testosteronology®, a sub-specialty of Internal Medicine. No other medical specialty offers comprehensive and personalized medical services for men on androgens; Testosteronology is distinct from Endocrinology and Urology. Testosteronology is more specific than Endocrinology, which deals with all hormones in men and women. And it is different from Urology, a surgical specialty that does not focus on the common medical aspects of how androgens effect men.

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Chemical Structure

Mechanism of Action

Anavar binds to the Androgen Receptors (ARs) of the muscle cells and stimulates protein synthesis, which increases muscle growth, lean body mass, and bone mineral density.

Class of Compound


Street Names

Oxandrin, Protivar


  • Increases muscle strength
  • Pumps up the muscles
  • Increases recovery rate

Side Effects and Dangers

  • Testosterone suppression
  • Liver toxicity
  • Hair loss

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