Trenbolone (Enanthate), Types, Fat Loss, and Results

Trenbolone fat loss

The following is my Trenbolone review, based on what Iโ€™ve experienced talking to Tren-users and consulting some of the best doctors in the world regarding this powerful steroid.. Iโ€™ll list all the pros and cons Iโ€™ve noticed (as well as other possible interactions) from taking this steroid.

Trenbolone in the bodybuilding world is regarded as one of (if not the most) powerful steroid on the market today.

Trenbolone can be used when bulking to build huge amounts of muscle and sTrength. And it can be used on a cut, to increase fat burning and help keep you looking BIG.

Trenbolone is known to be 5x more Anabolic than Testosterone.

Trenbolone is controversial, with some people complaining that itโ€™s a harsh steroid, whereas others say this is just a mythโ€ฆand it actually isnโ€™t any worse than other compounds.

After doing much research reading about peopleโ€™s experiences/reviews on Trenbolone, Iโ€™m going to list the common effects a user will face when taking Trenโ€ฆboth the good and the bad!

Trenbolone Chemical Structure

Here we go, my ultimate trenbolone review:

Warning: The content on and the information included in this article is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Prior to buying anything, check that it is compliant where you live with your current government laws. We frequently mention research chemicals that are not made for human consumption. Therefore, before purchasing any product for personal use, consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first.

Trenbolone Pros

  • Insane Strength
  • Huge Muscle Gains
  • Full/Pumped Muscles
  • More Ripped

Different Types of Trenbolone

There are three different types of Trenbolone:

  • Trenbolone Acetate
  • Trenbolone Enanthate
  • Trenbolone Xexahydrobenzylcarbonate

All three versions of Trenbolone are different because they have separate half lifes. This means that each of these compounds will take a different amount of time to clear out of the body.

It also means they have different length esters, thus gains will come by faster/slower depending on which one you take. This also means that side effects will be faster and more severe, or longer and less severe accordingly. Thus Enanthate is ever so slightly less impactful in terms of side effects.

For example, Trenbolone acetate has a short-ester and thus will be fast-acting. It will also clear out of your system quicker after you stop taking it. On the other end of the spectrum, Trenbolone enanthate has a much longer ester, meaning youโ€™ll have to be more patient when it comes to making gains as it wonโ€™t enter the body as fast and will take longer to exit your body.

Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate has an ester more like Enanthate and is thus slow-acting.



Trenorol is supposed to be a legal alternative to perhaps the most popular steroid in the world – Trenbolone. It has to be said that this will not come close to the results of Trenbolone, however, it won’t have any of the side effects.

As with all the other Crazybulk products, it incorporates various different ingredients to work in tandem with one another to give you the best results possible.

Ingredients such as Cinnamon, Ashwagandha, Zinc, and varios others all will play a role in helping you get to the next level.


โญ๏ธ Top Benefits: Muscle growth
โŒ›๏ธ Cycle Length: 2 months on and 1.5 weeks off
๐Ÿ’ฐ Average Cost: $64.99
โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿฉน Side Effects: None
=๐Ÿ“š Best Stack: D-BAL, DecaDuro, Anadrole, HGH-X2, and Testo-Max
๐ŸŒก PCT Required: No
โšค Men/Women: Men/Women

By learning more about each form of Trenbolone, itโ€™s easy to understand why acetate is the more popular version of Trenbolone.

Trenbolone Results (Before and After)

“Eat clen and tren hard”

You’re probably thinking ‘What can’t tren do?!’

The answer is: not a lot.

Those who have tried Trenbolone will be able to testify how powerful this Anabolic Steroid is. Those who havenโ€™t tried Tren might not fully understand itโ€™s force.

To give us a bit of insight, let’s compare it to Testosterone.

Testosterone is a similar type of compound that can be used to build huge amounts of muscle in the off-season, but also can be used when cutting to speed up the fat loss process.

Testosterone has an Androgenic score of 100.

Trenbolone has an Androgenic score of 500.

So Trenbolone is 5x stronger than Testosterone when it comes to boosting male hormones such as DHT.

Holy moly!

This also explains why Trenbolone is famous for causing huge growth in muscles like your traps and shoulders. These are muscles which have higher Androgen receptors and thus will become bigger on Trenbolone, because of its extremely high Androgenic nature.

Because of this effect on DHT levels, hair thinning and receding is more likely on Tren compared to other steroids. However, some do report that this effect does reverse post-cycle and their hair begins to look thicker again.

Increased STrength

By this I donโ€™t mean โ€˜Oh, your sTrength will go up a lotโ€™.


I always become as strong as an ox when Iโ€™m on Tren.

Another user said he added 90lbs to his bench press on Tren, and fast! (1).

The reason why Tren is one of the best steroids for rapid sTrength increases, is because itโ€™s super Anabolic (high Testosterone) and itโ€™s super Androgenic (high DHT). Both of these male hormones have a dramatic impact on how much metal you can lift.

Increased Muscle Gains

This ones pretty straightforward. If you use Trenbolone whilst bulking youโ€™re going to have ridiculous gains.

One user said he was taking Trenbolone and Testosterone together and was wiping the floor with his buddy in the gains department who was taking Testosterone and Deca-Durabolin.

โ€ฆand Deca is a pretty nifty bulking steroid.

Rich Piana also described Trenbolone as an โ€œamazing steroid, that changed (his) body enormously. Harder, leaner, vascular and grainyโ€.

Full/Pumped Muscles

Trenbolone removes water retention located outside the muscle cell and draws it inside, making your muscles become fuller and look constantly pumped (in and out of the gym).

Ps. if youโ€™re planning on doing supersets whilst on Trenโ€ฆ

  1. Youโ€™re a brave man.
  2. Get ready for some crazy-ass pumps!

More Ripped

Because Tren shifts water from outside the muscle and relocates it INSIDE the muscle cell, your muscle tone and definition will increase A LOT.

Youโ€™ll also become noticeably more vascular as there is less water in between your veins and skin.

This is pretty nifty if you want to look ridiculously aesthetic on a bulkโ€ฆand you happen to hate water retention (the bad kind).

Also if youโ€™re bulking and plan on overeating, but want to keep your six pack abs visible, Tren could make this happen.

โ€ฆAssuming youโ€™re mildly overeating, instead of adopting a Super Size Me diet.

Cycles with Trenbolone

Best Steroids for Cutting with Trenbolone

The goal of a cutting cycle is to burn off the maximum amount of fat without sacrificing lean muscle tissue. The best steroids to use with Trenbolone in a cutting phase are Anavar, Winstrol and Proviron.

Trenbolone Alternative
Trenorol By Crazy Bulk
  • Formulated to promote increased nitrogen in the muscle tissue and to enhance vascularity by increasing production of red blood cells
  • Recreates the effects of Trenbolone โ€“ extreme muscle, strength and power gains
  • Safe to use formula, suitable for both bulking and cutting cycles


A DHT derivative oral steroid, that can accelerate fat loss slightly, while giving you a dry and aesthetic look. Mild side effects, biggest one just the fact that orals are liver toxic. Anavar funnily enough is moreso metabolized by the kidneys, so running Anavar can be detrimental on kidneys. Same can be said for Trenbolone. Thus, if you run the two together, you need to make sure to take organ protective supplements.


Another DHT derivative like Anavar, but ends up being slightly more intense. Winstrol has a greater drying effect, most likely due to its downregulation of Progesterone, which leads to less water weight. 

Winstrol Alternative
Winsol By Crazy Bulk
  • Become both faster and stronger, reduce body fat and retain lean muscle
  • See increased vascularity
  • Achieve considerably increased muscle definition and tone


Proviron is an extremely weak Anabolic agent, and its use in an off season environment is very limited. Proviron binds to SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin), which frees up Testosterone in the blood, thus increasing the effectiveness of other Steroids. Proviron is also a weak Anti Estrogenic compound, and has a tendency to give you a drier and more complete look.

Best Steroids for Bulking with Trenbolone

The whole premise of doing a bulk cycle is to use Steroids that have a high Anabolic rating, as the goal is to be as Anabolic as possible. Individuals who use drugs in competitions that require a dry physique might use compounds that are more Androgenic closer to show day to give them that look. Trenbolone does possess an Anabolic rating 5 times that of Testosterone. That being said, if you plan on running Trenbolone in the off season, youโ€™d better be awake. 

Trenbolone is notorious for its side effects, which weโ€™ll get into later. Steroids you could potentially stack with Tren in an off season are Testosterone, Anadrol and Deca-Durabolin. 


A basic, the male sexual hormone.and where most users start ther PED journey. Often stacked with Trenbolone in a pre contest situation, and as long as the hormone is managed you can expect to see few side effects from this hormone particularly.


Oxymetholone, A Bombs, Anaps, whatever you call them, respect them. One of the Strongest oral steroids you can find. 3 times as Anabolic as Testosterone, you can expect wild gains when using Anadrol. You can also expect your sTrength to sky rocket, as DHT derivatives are known to do. Has a tendency to wreck your appetite as all orals do, so its use in the off season does have limitations. 

The big drawback of stacking Anadrol with Trenbolone is toxicity. Both these are incredibly toxic on the body, extremely. Use with extreme caution, your liver and kidneys will need a great amount of TLC. 


Deca-Durabolin (or Deca) is one of the most popular bulking steroids we see individuals using. Only slightly more Anabolic than Testosterone, we can still see a great amount of muscle gains when combined with Testosterone. Side effects are quite low, it has a low affinity to be aromatized, not very Androgenic, the only side effects we do see are increased blood pressure and an increase in Prolactin. Excess Prolactin we see various side effects, worst ones being Deca Dick (inability to maintain an erection) and lactating nipples. 

Combined with Trenbolone, youโ€™re going to be doing a lot of side effect management. Blood pressure, cholesterol, aggression, neurotoxicity, nausea, itโ€™s going to take a lot of effort. Could it pay off? Maybe. Will it be incredibly hard? Yes.

Trenbolone Results (Before and After)

โ€œEat clen and Tren hardโ€

Youโ€™re probably thinking โ€˜What canโ€™t Tren do?!โ€™

The answer is: not a lot.

Because itโ€™s extremely Anabolic and essentially a fat burner, Trenbolone can be used during bulking and cutting phases. However itโ€™s more popular in the offseason due to itโ€™s ability to add huge amounts of lean mass (without water retention).

Despite it being a great bulking steroid, those who do use Tren when cutting will experience itโ€™s great muscle-sparing attributes; neutralizing any catabolic effects that sometimes come with eating in a calorie deficit.

Trenbolone is also a diuretic, meaning the amount of times you visit the bathroom will increaseโ€ฆ

Your body flushing out extracellular water like this, will increase muscle hardness and definition, making you appear more ripped.

Once you finish a Tren cycle, your muscle gains and fat loss will be largely permanent. The only change you might experience is gaining a small amount of water post-cycle. This is just the diuretic effect wearing off.

Does Trenbolone Really Cause Fat Loss?

Most people will say that Tren DOES increase fat-burning. However, others say Tren does nothing to burn fat because thatโ€™s what’s happened in their own personal experience.

The truth is, Trenbolone WILL cause fat loss.

However, the bad news is, it might not burn fat to the extent of other powerful fat burners.

So if youโ€™re bulking on Tren and eating in a calorie surplusโ€ฆdonโ€™t expect to get shredded by the end of your cycle; youโ€™ll end up disappointed.

However, if you add Trenbolone to a cutting stack and eat in a calorie deficit; the fat will practically melt away before your eyes.

These are 2 completely opposite scenarios.

If you did something in the middle of both of these; so lets say you ate at maintenance calories and took Trenโ€ฆyouโ€™re likely to build a good amount of muscle and burn a little fat.

So, does Tren burn fat? Yes.

Will it get you ripped to shreds in 4 weeks if youโ€™re 15% body fat? No.

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How Does it Burn Fat?

Trenbolone is a powerful antiโ€“glucocorticoid. 

In English, this means it blocks cortisol receptors, so this catabolic stress hormone is significantly reduced.

When cortisol levels spike โ€“ the body stores fat.

When cortisol levels drop โ€“ the body burns fat.

So, the less cortisol you have when cutting the better; thus making Trenbolone a perfect fit.

Also Trenbolone has thermogenic properties, due to it being a stimulant. Hence how many users experience โ€œfeeling hotโ€ and โ€œsweating more than usualโ€.

โ€ฆThe latter is also known as Tren sweats.

Increasing the bodyโ€™s temperature like this elevates your metabolism, helping you burn additional calories throughout the day (similar to how clenbuterol works).

So, Trenbolone thermogenically stimulating your metabolism also encourages fat loss, but it doesnโ€™t guarantee it. Especially if youโ€™re eating more donuts than Homer Simpson.

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Trenbolone Results (Before and After Pictures)

steroids before and after

Jaco De Bruynโ€™s transformation is similar to those who take Trenbolone. Youโ€™ll gain a lot of muscle and get ripped to shredsโ€ฆassuming you work hard in and out of the gym.

See how Jacoโ€™s veins are popping left, right and centre in the after photo and how full his muscles look even when competing on stage (where many bodybuilders look depleted).

Heโ€™s also extremely dry, which is the result of Trenboloneโ€™s diuretic effects. The way his body looks, in terms of looking like a 3D animation, is typical of a Trenbolone user.

Guys who use Trenbolone are usually very easy to identify, because their body stands out A LOT. They have a โ€˜photoshoppedโ€™ look to their bodies, due to certain muscle groups popping out; such as traps and deltoids. These muscles are more prone to muscle growth because these muscle groups have a high number of androgen receptors.

And as Trenbolone is an extremely Androgenic steroid, it causes these two muscles in particular to blow up!

Striations are also a lot easier to achieve on Trenbolone, due to low levels of water collecting outside of the muscle cell. You can expect striations to appear once youโ€™re under 6% body fat.

How to Maximize Gains on Tren

If youโ€™re cutting and would like to get insanely shredded, itโ€™d be best to stack Trenbolone with the following steroids:

  • Clenbuterol
  • Anavar

Clenbuterol and Anavar will help you burn a lot more fat, in comparison to taking Trenbolone on its own.

If youโ€™re bulking and would like to gain as much quality mass as possible, stack Trenbolone with the following bulking steroids:

  • Dianabol
  • Testosterone
  • Deca

A Testosterone and Trenbolone cycle works extremely well for those who donโ€™t want to retain any water whatsoever; otherwise known as a โ€˜dry cycleโ€™ or โ€˜dry gainsโ€™. After you finish such a cycle, your weight will pretty much stay the same because your gains will be pure muscle, rather than water weight.

You can throw Deca and dianabol in the mix if you want to take your muscle gains up a notch. However, taking these 2 steroids will result in some water retention โ€“ albeit not a lot.

I donโ€™t recommend stacking anadrol with Trenbolone unless youโ€™re very experienced because these 2 Anabolics are pretty harsh on the body, thus extreme caution should be taken when using them in the same stack (especially if youโ€™re a beginner).

Trenbolone Side Effects

Itโ€™s not all unicorns and rainbows when it comes to Trenbolone.

You will build a tonne of muscle and burn some fat, but youโ€™re also very likely to experience some negative effects too like..

  • Increased Blood Pressure
  • Hair loss
  • Insomnia/paranoia/anxiety
  • Less endurance (affects cardio)
  • Tren cough

Many donโ€™t know that Trenbolone is also a stimulant, hence how people can suffer from โ€˜Trensomniaโ€™ aka insomniaโ€ฆ as well as anxiety/depression. The reason for this is because it becomes more difficult to switch your brain off at night, because you become prone to overthinking everything.

So if youโ€™re struggling with high blood pressure, acne or negative thoughts โ€“ Trenbolone isnโ€™t something you should be thinking about taking. The reason why Trenbolone causes more negative reactions than other steroids, is thought to be because of its high Androgenic rating.

Turbocharging DHT to incredible levels is going to come with a few consequences.

Increased Blood Pressure

trenbolone blood pressure

Like other steroids, Trenbolone will spike your blood pressure. So if you ARE going to use Trenbolone, make sure you have healthy bloods before you start your cycle.

The reason why blood pressure increases on Tren is because it raises Testosterone levels A LOT. As a result, your LDL cholesterol levels will riseโ€ฆyep, the bad kind.

โ€ฆWhich then causes your BP to shoot up.

As a result of this change, your actual body temperature may also increase. This is why you can feel warmer and begin to sweat more than usual (particularly in the night).

Aka Tren sweats.

Because your blood pressure rises on Tren, it also makes endurance-based exercise/cardio more difficult, as your blood isnโ€™t flowing as efficiently.

Hair Loss

Some Tren users report some form of hair loss whilst taking Trenbolone. I didnโ€™t notice anything personally. However one user (who did) claimed that 80% of it came back after his cycle finished, so this is mostly a temporary side effect.

If youโ€™re very protective of your hair and would hate to see your hair recede or thin; get your hands on a DHT blocker like. However, this may reduce your gains somewhat as your DHT levels wonโ€™t be as high.


It is likely youโ€™ll experience some form of insomnia, anxiety or paranoia at some stage on Tren. To understand how negatively this will affect you all depends on what youโ€™re like normally.

If youโ€™re an anxious wreck or have bipolar disorder โ€“ stay away from Tren.

If youโ€™re a pretty normal dude, these mental effects are only likely to be mild; making Tren very manageable.

Insomnia can also happen on Trenbolone due to the steroid stimulating the nervous system, causing you to be more alert and have racing thoughts in the evening.

Tren cough

And last but not least, the most famous Trenbolone side effect of all โ€“ Tren cough.

This is common when you inject Tren acetate and it hits a blood vessel, causing you to uncontrollably cough for around a minute. This is only a temporary side effect and soon passes.


The main 2 side effects of Trenbolone are high blood pressure and negative thoughts (mental).

If you can manage both of these potential implications, youโ€™re likely to be one of those guys who loves and swears by Tren.

However, if youโ€™ve got mental issues or have had a heart attack in the past, donโ€™t kid yourself โ€“ as your experience is likely to be a negative one.

This is a hugely powerful steroid that can get you ripped AND jackedโ€ฆitโ€™s just whether you can handle the side effects or not. From my own experience, Trenโ€™s side effects do seem a little over-exaggerated in general. However, Tren affects each person differently, so extreme caution must still be used.

I think if the wrong person takes Tren, life can become an almost living hell. But if youโ€™re a pretty healthy/mentally stable guy, side effects arenโ€™t much worse than other AAS (assuming youโ€™re not overdosing or abusing).

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Trenbolone Fat Loss






Llewellyn, William (2011), Anabolics. Jupiter, FL: Molecular Nutrition. pp. 525-533.







O’Connor M.D, Thomas (2018), America on Steroids: A Time to Heal. Cheshire, CT: Metabolic Promotion LLC. pp. 103-106.

Llewellyn, William (2011), Anabolics. Jupiter, FL: Molecular Nutrition. pp. 525-533.

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Dr Thomas O'Connor MD

Dr Thomas O'Connor MD | Writer

After many years of caring for thousands of men on testosterone and anabolic steroids Dr. Thomas O'Connor created Testosteronologyยฎ, a sub-specialty of Internal Medicine. No other medical specialty offers comprehensive and personalized medical services for men on androgens; Testosteronology is distinct from Endocrinology and Urology. Testosteronology is more specific than Endocrinology, which deals with all hormones in men and women. And it is different from Urology, a surgical specialty that does not focus on the common medical aspects of how androgens effect men.

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James Hughes
James Hughes
2 years ago

I Don get side effects off tren,I love and swear by it,is this normal?

8 months ago

Nice write up. I just feel that ancillaries like cabergoline should have been mentioned, as prolactin/progesterone gyno and Tren dick are very real. Not many people have no sides, and if taking with Test, that the appropriate amount of AI is taken as well to control E2. If these arenโ€™t controlled for the individual, it could lead to devastating and permanent physical issues. I take Tren and test, and take caber and AIS respectively to control sides properly. Iโ€™m lucky I need comparatively little of both, but I take it as part of a โ€œrounded outโ€ course. Good luck and good health to you all.

Daniel Louwrens BSc PT
6 months ago
Reply to  Jay

Great point, Vitamin B6 also a cheaper and safer option

Chemical Structure

Mechanism of Action

Trenbolone (Enanthate) is an anabolic steroid that binds to the Androgen Receptors (ARs) in muscle and stimulates the muscle to synthesize more protein leading to muscle mass gain. It is known to be 5 times more anabolic than Testosterone.

Class of Compound


Street Names

Trenabol, Tren


  • Increases muscle strength
  • Decreases fat
  • Increases vascularity

Side Effects and Dangers

  • Hypertension
  • Hair loss
  • Cough (called tren cough)

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