Testosterone Enanthate: Dosage, Cycle And Side Effects!

Testosterone Enanthate cycle

As you probably already know, anabolic steroids and bodybuilding are often very closely associated with one another.

When you see some of the enormous, 300-plus-pound pro bodybuilders currently dominating the stages at contests each year, it’s easy to see why.

Anabolic-androgenic steroids will help you to build insane amounts of muscle, which is why we’re going to look at a testosterone enanthate cycle in today’s article.

You see, steroids are very misunderstood, which is why we’re taking action today in a bid to educate you on the dangers of using steroids, and of course, on the many benefits that steroids can provide.

If you’re sick and tired of living in the gym, eating pounds of chicken breast each week, and barely seeing any improvements at all, it can be tempting to simply throw in the towel and ask yourself what the point is.

However, if you can push through that mental barrier, there are things you can do, like perhaps running a steroid cycle or a legal version.

Whether you’re tempted to use steroids, or if you just want to learn more about running a cycle, here’s a more detailed look at a typical test-E cycle guide.

So, let’s learn more about testosterone enanthate, shall we?

Warning: The content on Muscleandbrawn.com and the information included in this article is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Prior to buying anything, check that it is compliant where you live with your current government laws. We frequently mention research chemicals that are not made for human consumption. Therefore, before purchasing any product for personal use, consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first.

What Is Testosterone?

Testosterone is the king of the steroids.

It is the measuring stick for all other lab-made anabolic compounds out there – literally.

All synthetic steroid variants which are currently available, are based on testosterone, and for good reason.

Testosterone is found naturally in men and women.

In men, however, it is far more potent and is found in much larger dosages.

Men primarily produce testosterone in the testes, with a small percentage being produced and secreted by the adrenal glands.

In women, testosterone is produced within the ovaries.

Testosterone is highly anabolic, though it belongs to the family of androgens as it is responsible for sexual health and function, along with muscle growth and repair.

In men, it is the dominant sexual health hormone and is responsible for fertility, libido, muscle mass, strength, athletic ability, and mood in general.

Needless to say, because it is renowned for its androgenic anabolic properties, testosterone is very popular among steroid users.

You see, in the body, testosterone levels begin to decline once we hit 30, which can make it much harder to build muscle, as well as do other stuff if you get what we mean.

So what can we do?

Well, we could grow old gracefully and accept the fact that we are going to have to work harder to build muscle and get in shape, or we could take matters into our own hands.

What Is Testosterone Enanthate?

Testosterone enanthate is an AAS, androgenic anabolic steroid, which can be used in the treatment for low testosterone levels in men such as testosterone suspension, testosterone cypionate, Halotestin, Clostebol Acetate, and testosterone sustanon.

Many bodybuilders, however, use this steroid because it is so darn effective at building muscle, burning fat, and speeding up recovery.

Some run it by itself, while others use it as a base for asteroid stack.

Because of its anabolic properties, it can be used for bulking or cutting cycles, making it a firm favorite amongst those looking to get jacked.

Now, after testosterone, you will see a name.

In this instance, the name is β€˜enanthate’ and this is the ester.

To keep things simple, the ester bond which is attached to the testosterone will determine the rate at which the hormone is released into the body.

Esters are carbon chains which are attached to the test molecule.

The length of the ester chain determines how soluble the drug is.

The shorter the chain, the more soluble it is, and vice versa.

Testosterone Enanthate is typically injected 2 or 3 times per week.

Testosterone Enanthate cycle


In case you are not too keen on breaking the law by using Testosterone, then TESTO-MAX is the product for you. Designed to replicate the results of Testosterone without the legality issues or the side effects.

Perhaps one of the more interesting ingredients in TESTO-MAX would be the addition of Boron, which has been shown to increase free Testosterone by reducing SHBG.

There are several other ingredients that can help improving your overall health and will surely help in your fitness endeavors.

TESTO-MAX Overview

⭐️ Top Benefits: Muscle growth
βŒ›οΈ Cycle Length: 2 months on and 1.5 weeks off
πŸ’° Average Cost: $64.99
β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή Side Effects: None
=πŸ“š Best Stack: D-BAL, DecaDuro, Anadrole, HGH-X2, and Trenorol
🌑 PCT Required: No
⚀ Men/Women: Men

What Is A Testosterone Enanthate Cycle?

Now it’s time for us to look at an example, or rather, several example cycles.

These include the following:

Beginner Cycle:

11500mg/wk 0.5mg/eod
12500mg/wk 0.5mg/eod

Advanced Cycle:

   Testosterone Enanthate               Dianabol                          
Week 1500-750mg (per week)40mg (per day)
Week 2500-750mg (per week)40mg (per day)
Week 3500-750mg (per week)40mg (per day)
Week 4500-750mg (per week)40mg (per day)
Week 5500-750mg (per week)40mg (per day)
Week 6500-750mg (per week)40mg (per day)
Week 7500-750mg (per week) 
Week 8500-750mg (per week) 
Week 9500-750mg (per week) 
Week 10500-750mg (per week) 
Week 11500-750mg (per week) 
Week 12500-750mg (per week) 
Weeks 13 – 14 
Weeks 15 – 16PCT
weeks 16 – 17PCT
weeks 17 – 18PCT

Cutting Cycle:

1250mg/eod 200mg/eod   4iu/ed1mg/eod
2250mg/eod 200mg/eod   4iu/ed1mg/eod
3250mg/eod 200mg/eod   4iu/ed1mg/eod
4250mg/eod 200mg/eod   4iu/ed1mg/eod
5250mg/eod 200mg/eod   4iu/ed1mg/eod
6250mg/eod 200mg/eod   4iu/ed1mg/eod
7250mg/eod 200mg/eod   4iu/ed1mg/eod
8250mg/eod 200mg/eod   4iu/ed1mg/eod
9 200mg/eod 100mg/eod50mg/ed 4iu/ed1mg/eod
10 200mg/eod 100mg/eod50mg/ed 4iu/ed1mg/eod
11 200mg/eod 100mg/eod50mg/ed 4iu/ed1mg/eod
12 200mg/eod 100mg/eod50mg/ed100mg/eod4iu/ed1mg/eod
13 200mg/eod 100mg/eod50mg/ed100mg/eod4iu/ed1mg/eod
14 200mg/eod 100mg/eod50mg/ed100mg/eod4iu/ed1mg/eod
15 200mg/eod 100mg/ed50mg/ed100mg/eod4iu/ed1mg/ed
16 200mg/eod 100mg/ed100mg/ed100mg/eod4iu/ed1mg/ed
17 200mg/eod 100mg/ed100mg/ed100mg/ed4iu/ed1mg/ed

Hardcore Cycle:

 Testosterone enanthateTrenbolone
Week 1500mg (per week)500mg (per week)
Week 2500mg (per week)500mg (per week)
Week 3500mg (per week)500mg (per week)
Week 4500mg (per week)500mg (per week)
Week 5500mg (per week)500mg (per week)
Week 6500mg (per week)500mg (per week)
Week 7500mg (per week)500mg (per week)
Week 8500mg (per week)500mg (per week)
Week 9500mg (per week)500mg (per week)
Week 10500mg (per week)500mg (per week)
Week 11500mg (per week)500mg (per week)
Week 12500mg (per week)500mg (per week)
Weeks 13 – 14 
Weeks 15 – 18PCT

Testosterone Enanthate Effects:

Now that you know a couple of cycles you could potentially run including some other strong steroids like Winstrol, Dianabol or Anabol, Deca Durabolin, and trenbolone, it’s now time to look at why you would consider running a cycle in the first place.

Here’s a look at some of the effects of using test-E.

Increased Muscle Mass

One of the primary benefits of using test-E is an increase in muscle mass.

Testosterone enanthate helps to build muscle by boosting protein synthesis rates, while simultaneously improving nitrogen retention in the muscles.

In order for protein synthesis to occur, a positive Nitrogen balance must be present.

This is why test-e is so beneficial.

Protein synthesis is a natural process where the body synthesizes new muscle proteins to replace those which we wrecked when we were pumping iron in the gym.

The more proteins we can produce, the faster we will recover and the more muscle we will build.

Faster Recovery

Another advantage of test-E is the fact that it helps to speed up recovery rates.

As mentioned, it assists with protein synthesis, which means that the muscles can be repaired much quicker after we have trained.

Faster rates of recovery are very important because not only will they help you to build muscle quicker, they’ll also improve your training because you won’t feel tired, weak, or sore the next day.

Increased Strength

Not only does testosterone enanthate promote increases in muscle mass, but it also helps to increase overall strength levels as well.

Those that use test-E will add substantial increases in weight to their lifts, which not only gives them bragging rights in the gym, it also means that their workouts become more efficient, they get to lift heavier poundages, and subsequently, they also get to increase the rates of muscle hypertrophy.

High Sex Drive

Let’s face it, as a guy, having a high sex drive can be both a blessing and a curse.

Given the choice, however, many of us would much rather have a high libido than a weaker one, which is yet another reason why test-E is so beneficial.

As testosterone is highly androgenic, it is, therefore, a sex hormone that plays a vital role in a person’s overall sexual health and function.

It doesn’t matter whether you are playing the field, or in a committed relationship, having a high libido is generally considered more beneficial than an incredibly weak one, so we’re classing that as yet another win for the testosterone enanthate.

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Testosterone Enanthate Side Effects:

With the smooth, you have to also take the rough, and as beneficial as test-E can be, it is still very dangerous and still provides a number of side-effects which you should do everything in your power to avoid, with the use of PCT, or Post Cycle Therapy, which we will be learning more about shortly.

In the meantime, here are some common testosterone enanthate side effects.

Androgenic Side-effects

Primarily, when it comes to Test-E, we need to be wary of androgenic side effects.

Androgenic side effects include things like: Oily skin, hair loss (if genetically predisposed to baldness), hair growth, acne, mood swings, and irritability.


Perhaps the biggest thing to watch for with Test-E is the fact that it can aromatize and so it can convert to Estrogen.

Estrogenic side effects include gyno, water retention, bloating, suppressed metabolism, and fat storage.

Needless to say, none of these sound pleasant from a bodybuilding perspective.

You can try testo-max max with is one of the top legal steroids without having any estrogenic side effect.

Avoid Steroids: Get TRT Legally Prescribed Online

US$35 $100
For a limited time, you can get a complete hormone panel, along with a consultation with a physician for only $35, thanks to the fine folks at FountainTRT.

FountainTRT can prescribe you the perfect dose of pharmaceutical injectable or topical Testosterone, and their affordable blood work will keep you dialed in the long term for NO extra cost.

Testosterone Enanthate Dosage:

We’ve already given you a few examples of typical testosterone enanthate cycles and what the drug stacks best with, but what about dosages?

Well, to keep things simple and to help refresh your memory, dosages should range from 250mg every other day, to 750mg per week.

Some dosages, however, go as high as 1000mg per week, though, in all honesty, it would depend on which cycle you are running, and what you happened to be stacking the drug within the first place.

Is PCT Required?

PCT, or Post Cycle Therapy, is most definitely required after running a test-E cycle, in fact, it is required after running any steroid cycle, no matter how mild it may be such as clenbuterol.

PCT functions in a similar way to how the β€˜restore to factory settings’ feature works on phones and computers.

It is there to basically reset your body and get you back to how you were before you started taking the steroids.

Failing to run PCT can be very dangerous.

PCT should come in the form of Nolvadex and Aromasin, which are virtually guaranteed to be found in nearly every PCT stack imaginable.

PCT should look something like:

  • Nolva: 40/20/20/20
  • Clomid: 75/50/25/25

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Reda Elmardi

Reda Elmardi | Writer

Reda Elmardi is a BJJ, fitness and bodybuilding fanatic. He's been writing about his experiences for over eight years and started his own publications on topics such as BJJ, Steroids, and Fitness.

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Josephine Llait
2 years ago

Very nice

Paul Clark
Paul Clark
1 year ago

I’m about to start a cycle of Test e and Equipoise for 12 weeks with PCT of Clomid/HCG and Arimidex. I was very obese but have managed to get down to 100 kg naturally. Using this as a platform to finally get to where I want to be. At 54 years old, is this a good cycle and are there any safety issues for someone my age?

Daniel Louwrens BSc PT
Reply to  Paul Clark

Yes, there will always be safety issues when using substances, especially at that age. First thing that springs to mind is the fact that you are using two Testosterones, and the latter will increase blood pressure significantly. I wouldn’t. If you need more assistance, here is a link to have a chat with me.

1 year ago

I’ve started my.second cycle of enanthate but this time around I’m getting pain at the injection area and swelling of the muscle in my butt. It takes about 4 days to subside but it’s fairly.sore Iim alternating right and left cheek every 5 days, was doing 4 but I’m too sore…
I’m following the exact same protocol for hygiene as last time.
No other side effect in fact I’m feeling fantastic and I’ve managed to add a few pounds on as well so really don’t want to have to stop.

Daniel Louwrens BSc PT
Reply to  Jason

Hi Jason, PIP could be due to several reasons. Ensure you are practicing safe and hygienic protocols, or use smaller injections

1 year ago

Where do I purchase

Muscle and Brawn Team
Reply to  Mario

In order to get testosterone you should reach out to a clinic, we’ve reviewed the best ones here.

Muscle and Brawn Team
Reply to  Mario

This is illegal, we recommend you find a clinic (see our reviews here)

1 year ago

I’m about to start a cycle this Wed this is my first go around and don’t have anyone to talk to to get this done and get it done right looking for a hand.

Daniel Louwrens BSc PT
Reply to  Robert

Hi Robert – you can schedule a call with me at https://muscleandbrawn.com/coaching/

10 months ago

This was a BS article. Thos person knows nothing.

10 months ago

Hello Testosterone Enanthate 250mg has the equivalent of 180mg Testosterone.. this dose is ok to build muscle with no side effects on long term of use like trt? Or 225 equivalent 160?

9 months ago

What is the best pct dosage. Test E 300mg per week and dbol 20mg per day. 10 weeks. How long should I pct for, before starting a new cycle

Daniel Louwrens BSc PT
9 months ago
Reply to  Remi

Until your blood work states you are healthy enough for you to be comfortable going on again.

Chemical Structure

Mechanism of Action

Testosterone Enanthate is an ester of testosterone that acts by binding to the Androgen Receptors of the muscle cells and stimulates protein synthesis.

Class of Compound


Street Names

Delatestryl, Xyosted, Test-E


  • Builds muscle mass
  • Speeds up recovery
  • Burns fat

Side Effects and Dangers

  • Water retention
  • Suppressed metabolism
  • Oliy skin and acne

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