Equipoise Cycle: Results, Dosage, And Side Effects!


Itโ€™s easy for other people to see a big and muscular dude walking down the street and to automatically assume heโ€™s on steroids.

Even if they do so happen to be on gear, building muscle while using anabolic steroids is still one of the toughest processes in existence.

Anybody can lift weights, just as anybody can chug down a protein shake now and then and prep a few chicken breasts with veggies for the next few days.

To truly commit yourself to a bodybuilding regime, however, whether natty or not, you need to eat, sleep, and breathe the bodybuilding lifestyle.

Bodybuilding is, without a doubt one of the hardest sports and pastimes ever.

You donโ€™t just train for an hour and then sit back and wait for your muscles to grow.

Training is the east part.

Itโ€™s the isolation, the endless food preps, the protein farts, the digestive issues, the bland chicken breasts, and the lack of a social life that many people struggle with.

If you are dedicated to your craft, however, and want to get more from your training, weโ€™re going to look at what is Equipoise cycle today.

Equipoise is a very underrated steroid in the world of bodybuilding, and to help you get a better idea of what this steroid has to offer weโ€™ll now give you a detailed overview to metaphorically sink your teeth into.

Warning: The content on Muscleandbrawn.com and the information included in this article is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Prior to buying anything, check that it is compliant where you live with your current government laws. We frequently mention research chemicals that are not made for human consumption. Therefore, before purchasing any product for personal use, consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first.

What Is Equipoise?

Equipoise is also known as Boldenone Undecylenate and, although this may sound harsh, itโ€™s actually a steroid used by veterinarians to treat horses and some cattle.

In bodybuilding circles, however, it is used as a โ€˜poor manโ€™s Deca Durabolinโ€™ though it has little in common with that steroid.

This steroid is suspended in oil, so it is naturally oil-based.

Though it provides similar benefits to Deca, Equipoise is actually almost identical to Anabol and Dianabol.

It is identical in fact, other than one small change.

EQ does not have the same 17AA group as D-bol, and it instead has a very long-chained ester attached to it. This makes it highly oil soluble.

This steroid is anabolic and androgenic and is renowned for its ability to boost muscle mass, muscle strength, athletic performance, and much more besides such as Turinabol.

It is derived from testosterone, like virtually all other steroids in existence such as Halotestin, cypionate, sustanon and enanthate.

Though it is often stacked with testosterone, itโ€™s actually a great alternative to testosterone as it has a double bond which is attached to both carbon 1 and carbon 2.

This double bond makes it one of the least androgenic steroids currently on the market.

The good news here is that that means that Estrogenic side effects and Estrogenic activity is also greatly reduced.

It provides a slow and gradual release which means that aromatization is also suppressed.

Aromatization is a process where testosterone is converted into Estrogen within the body.

This can cause all kinds of different side effects for bodybuilders.

What Is A Testosterone Equipoise Cycle?

Equipoise Cycle

If you are looking to transform your physique, Equipoise is a very popular steroid that is reported utilized by a number of pro bodybuilders around the globe.

As mentioned, it is often stacked with testosterone to get maximal results, with testosterone cypionate generally being favored.

If you are thinking of running a testosterone Equipoise cycle, hereโ€™s an idea to get you going. 

Bulking cycle

1400mg per week400mg per week0.5mg 2 x per week
2400mg per week400mg per week0.5mg 2x per week
3400mg per week400mg per week0.5mg 2 x per week
4400mg per week400mg per week0.5mg 2 x per week
5400mg per week400mg per week0.5mg 2 x per week
6400mg per week400mg per week0.5mg 2 x per week
7400mg per week400mg per week0.5mg 2 x per week
8400mg per week400mg per week0.5mg 2 x per week
9400mg per week400mg per week0.5mg 2 x per week
10400mg per week400mg per week0.5mg 2 x per week
11400mg per week400mg per week0.5mg 2 x per week
12400mg per week400mg per week0.5mg 2 x per week

Cutting cycle 1:

1750mg/wk400mg/wk30mg per day4iu per day0.5mg/eod
2750mg/wk400mg/wk30mg per day4iu per day0.5mg/eod
3750mg/wk400mg/wk30mg per day4iu per day0.5mg/eod
4750mg/wk400mg/wk30mg per day4iu per day0.5mg/eod
5750mg/wk400mg/wk30mg per day4iu per day0.5mg/eod
6750mg/wk400mg/wk30mg per day4iu per day0.5mg/eod
7750mg/wk400mg/wk 4iu per day0.5mg/eod
8750mg/wk400mg/wk 4iu per day0.5mg/eod
9750mg/wk400mg/wk 4iu per day0.5mg/eod
10750mg/wk400mg/wk 4iu per day0.5mg/eod
11750mg/wk400mg/wk 4iu per day0.5mg/eod
12750mg/wk400mg/wk 4iu per day0.5mg/eod

Cutting Cycle 2:

1100mg eod400mg per week 0.5mg eod
2100mg eod400mg per week 0.5mg eod
3100mg eod400mg per week 0.5mg eod
4100mg eod400mg per week 0.5mg eod
5100mg eod400mg per week 0.5mg eod
6100mg eod400mg per week 0.5mg eod
7100mg eod400mg per week50mg per day0.5mg eod
8100mg eod400mg per week50mg per day0.5mg eod
9100mg eod400mg per week50mg per day0.5mg eod
10100mg eod400mg per week50mg per day0.5mg/eod
11100mg eod 50mg per day0.5mg/eod
12100mg eod 50mg per day0.5mg/eod

Equipoise Results:

So, what kind of results can users expect to enjoy when they use this potent little steroid.

First and foremost, as weโ€™re focussing on AAS and bodybuilding.

You will be pleased to hear that equipoise does not disappoint as far as muscle growth is concerned.

Users can potentially gain as much as 30 pounds of muscle with a 12-week cycle of this drug.

Assuming of course, that they train hard and that they eat the right foods and live a healthy lifestyle.

For best results, it does stack very well with other steroids. Not only will you see muscle growth results.

But youโ€™ll also see very noticeable fat loss reductions which are why the drug is perfect for cutting cycles.

Finally, as your metabolism will increase.

You will also have more energy.

So youโ€™ll be able to put more time and effort into your training sessions.

It might not sound like much.

But being able to squeeze out an extra rep or two could be the difference between a beast-mode physique or a mediocre physique.

Equipoise Effects:

Some of the main effects and benefits associated with using Equipoise include the following:

1. Muscle Growth

First and foremost, when it comes to using steroids, normally you can expect some pretty awesome muscle-building benefits and effects.

Well, when it comes to Equipoise, this is certainly no exception.

Those that use this steroid can potentially add as much as 30 pounds of muscle to their frames with one cycle.

When stacked with other steroids and hormones, results will become noticeable within a matter of days.

Obviously, the steroid doesnโ€™t work miracles, so if you are looking to build muscle and bulk up, you will need to be beasting yourself in the gym with your training, and of course, eating right.

If your anabolic diet and training are on point, however, you will see some very noticeable improvements to your physique by running an Equipoise cycle.

2. Health Benefits

Interestingly enough, Equipoise can also provide benefits to the human body that are not related to aesthetics.

Studies have found that this steroid can actually be used to help treat muscle wasting diseases, as well as conditions affecting the bones like osteoporosis.

3. Improved Athletic Performance

Not only does Equipoise help to promote the growth and repair of muscle tissue, but it has also been found to significantly increase an individualโ€™s energy levels and overall levels of athletic performance.

This steroid helps to boost metabolism, which not only burns calories, but it also helps to increase energy levels.

The more energy we have, the harder we can exercise before we begin to tire out and become fatigued.

It also helps to promote muscle strength and contractions, which in turn help the muscles to generate more power and to work more efficiently.

If you combine all of these benefits together, therefore, you will find that using Equipoise will actually help you to perform at a much higher level athletically, as your aerobic fitness will increase, your endurance will, and your overall strength and power outputs will as well.

4. Fat Loss

Another reason why bodybuilders tend to favor this steroid is that of the fact that it has been found to promote fat loss.

For a bodybuilder, being able to burn fat and lose fat is very important for a whole variety of different reasons.

The main reason why bodybuilders may be looking to burn fat and lose weight, however, is because they often diet down when they are cutting and prepping for a contest.

The idea behind a contest prep is that you strip away as much body fat as possible while preserving as much lean muscle as possible.

You basically want to look lean, ripped, and vascular when you step on stage, and Equipoise is able to help you achieve this exact look.

5. Great For Bulking

Okay, this steroid is very useful for cutting as it helps to burn fat, but there are many bodybuilders that prefer to utilize this steroid for bulking cycles instead.

As we looked at previously, this steroid can be stacked with other compounds and can be used for bulking or cutting cycles.

In terms of bulking, itโ€™s great because it promotes increases in muscle size, while also boosting energy levels and strength.

This enables you to train heavy during the off-season, and the heavier you can train the more muscle mass you will likely be able to build.

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Equipoise Side Effects:

Weโ€™ve looked at the good, now weโ€™ll look at the bad, and the downright ugly.

Yep, itโ€™s time for us to now go over a few common Equipoise side effects that you will need to be aware of before you consider using this anabolic steroid.

Side effects associated with this drug include:

1. Mildly Estrogenic

Okay, the good news is that this steroid isnโ€™t nearly as Estrogenic as some of the other steroids often used by bodybuilders.

The bad news, however, is that it is still mildly Estrogenic.

After injection, it generally doesnโ€™t aromatize very heavily, but there are still some Estrogenic side effects to be wary of.

For example, it can lead to water retention, elevated blood pressure and tender nipples in men.

Very rarely, Gyno or Gynecomastia could also be an issue.

2. Oily Skin

Many users of this steroid have reported oily skin and even mild acne caused by the pores becoming blocked.

3. Organ Damage

When you use any steroids, whether oil-based, water-based, oral steroids or injectable steroids, there is always the risk of your major organs suffering damage as a result of the steroids being used.

Your kidneys and the liver are at risk for starters, as they help to filter impurities out of the bloodstream, or in this case, the steroid itself.

The heart is also at risk, especially if blood pressure becomes elevated.

It may even cause fluctuations in LDL cholesterol, which can cause blocked arteries, so that is certainly worth considering before using the steroids, especially if you already have cardiovascular issues.

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Equipoise Dosage:

Weโ€™ve already looked at the dosages when it comes to running an Equipoise and testosterone cycle, but to refresh your memory, and keep things nice and simple, letโ€™s look at the minimum and max dosages associated with this particular drug.

Dosages start at 200mg, with max dosages going up to 500mg.

This, of course, depends on which cycle you are running, and what you are stacking it with, but it does give you an idea.

PCT Needed!

So, weโ€™ve looked at what is Equipoise, the benefits, cycles, dosages, and side effects.

All that is left for us to do then, is to look at post cycle therapy when running this drug.

When you use a steroid of any kind, you should always run PCT such as Aromasin, no matter how mild the steroid may be, or how careful you think youโ€™ve been.

PCT should come in the form of Clomid and Nolvadex.

We canโ€™t tell you when to begin, or how much to run because we donโ€™t know which cycle you are running.

The best advice here is to look online or ask questions, based upon what it is that you plan on taking.

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Reda Elmardi

Reda Elmardi | Writer

Reda Elmardi is a BJJ, fitness and bodybuilding fanatic. He's been writing about his experiences for over eight years and started his own publications on topics such as BJJ, Steroids, and Fitness.

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2 years ago

Great content, i ask to follow you on instagram for more insights and learning if u can share it with me and if u do online coaching as a question and how much do u charge

Brandon Cameron
Brandon Cameron
2 years ago

So I just started a cycle of test prop and test eq and I am taking around 300ml a week of test prop and 150 ml of test eq now is clomid good enough for a pct? because thats what I have to is clomid

Chris Koucouthakis
Chris Koucouthakis
1 year ago

Ya Clomid is pretty much a must have for ALL PFT’s no matter what you’re using. In addition to Clomid I HIGHLY recommend using HCG, and to be safe you’re going to want an AI such as Anastrozole which comes in other names as well such as Armimidex, but Anastrozole is the name you want to make sure is in your AI. The HCG goes hand in hand with the Clomid when it comes to restarting your natural test levels, without these your endocrine system will be in ALOT of trouble that may possibly be irreversible and a life long issue meaning you’d have to get on TRT for life like I had to do in my mid 20’s because I abused steroids so badly starting at age 15 and nobody ever educated me on PCT and the down Right stupidity of running gear at age 15. I probably stuntded my height, I’m 5’9″ and hate it and wish I was even 1 or 2 inches taller which I probably would be had I waited to use gear until my mid 20’s. The best advice I can give is to stay natty as long as you possibly can, build yourself a good natural base physique so then you don’t ALWAYS have to rely on gear to look good. Once you’ve built a good natty base THEN go ahead And hop on Sims gear. My biggest regret in life is starting gear so young. If I could do it all over again I’d wait to do my 1st cycle until 26 yrs old or older if you can hold out. Once you hit 26 yrs old your at your maximum height, your natty test levels aren’t compromised and you have that old man strength finally and hopping on gear once you reach that point in life will be well worth the wait I promise u this. Let your friends use gear in HS and shit and then look at them once they reach that magical age 26, odds are they don’t even work out anymore or if they do they’re like me and have to rely on TRT just to get their dick hard let alone build consistent muscle in the gym. You’ll probably be close to their size at age 26 and then u’ll do ur 1st cycle and ur gna make them look anorexic by the time ur cycle is over. Even after you lose the 10 lbs or so in water weight that we all lose after a cycle and ur still gna be way bigger and stronger than them. Sorry for writing u a novel response but if I can save 1 person from doing the stupid shit I did then it’s worth it.

6 months ago

great advise for youngsters

6 months ago

probably milligrams not mL

1 year ago

Iโ€™ve been taking test e and tren
Now test p and starting equipoise plus dbol, do you think Iโ€™m taking to much?

Daniel Louwrens BSc PT
Reply to  Paul


Dalton Silverthorne
Dalton Silverthorne
3 months ago
Reply to  Paul


1 year ago

I’m running EQ cycle for ten weeks when should I start pct and for how long should be running

Daniel Louwrens BSc PT
Reply to  Javeed

PCT for any substance used would start 1 – 2 weeks after last dosage is administered

1 year ago
Reply to  Javeed

EQ is an extremely long lasting ester. The general 2 week rule that applies to the usual enanthate and propionate type esters doesn’t apply here. Thanks to the extremely long lasting undecylenate ester (half life of 14 days as compared to say enanthate at approx 8 days) attached here you shouldn’t start your PCT for an EQ cycle for almost a month

Big dog rich
Big dog rich
1 year ago
Reply to  John

So when do you start your PCT and for how long do you use the HCG and nova , for Eq 350 mg and test e. 500mg a week And d bal 25 mgs for 3 weeks

Daniel Louwrens BSc PT
Reply to  Big dog rich

You would start your PCT once the half-life of the active compound has passed, and you would run your HCG for a week or two. The rest of your protocol will be used until your blood results say you are fine

Damian G
Damian G
6 months ago
Reply to  Javeed

EQ has a crazy ester attached to achieve stable levels it takes about 72 days!! by week 7-8 is when you start to reap the actual benefits of this compound eq should be ran minimum 16 weeks but preferably far more than that top pros run EQ around 26 weeks in the offseason as it packs on lean tissues and keep E2 and E1 at low levels

10 months ago

If I’m on trt. Would I need to run a pct? I’ll be on 200mg every week after the cycle and why the call for arimidex?

Daniel Louwrens BSc PT
10 months ago
Reply to  Doug

You do not cycle TRT. TRT is for life, so no PCT is needed. If you go off, and then on again, you’re simply using Steroids. Depending on the time frame between the cycles, yes, you might need a light PCT like Tamoxifen and HCG

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