Average Testosterone Levels By Age

Testosterone has been linked to men's desire for sex. Bone and muscle mass, mental health, red blood cell formation, and fat storage are also affected by it. Physical and mental health might be affected by abnormally low or high amounts.

Do you know your average testosterone levels by age? It declines as men age, which can lead to several health problems. In this blog post, we will discuss the average testosterone levels by age and what you can do to maintain healthy levels.

Testosterone: What It Is And How It Affects Your Health

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced by the body. Male sexual traits, such as a deep voice and facial hair, are influenced by this gene. Testosterone also plays a role in muscle development and bone growth.

In addition, testosterone levels can affect a man’s sex drive and fertility. There are average testosterone levels by age because testosterone levels naturally decline with age, which can lead to some of the symptoms of aging, such as low energy levels and reduced muscle mass.

Testosterone levels can impact your health in several ways. For instance, low testosterone levels can lead to decreased bone density and muscle mass, as well as fatigue and depressed mood. Conversely, high testosterone levels can cause irritability, aggression, and acne.

Testosterone levels can also affect your metabolism, sexual function, and red blood cell production. Therefore, it is important to maintain healthy testosterone levels or average testosterone levels by age to maintain overall health and well-being.

What Is The Average Testosterone Levels By Age?


Both males and females have testosterone in their systems at birth. When boys reach puberty, their vocals begin to deepen, and they begin to experience changes in muscular mass, the growth of body hair, and their desire to engage in sexual activity. These changes are caused by an increase in testosterone production. Here is just a detailed summary of the average testosterone levels by age:

  • Males and girls between the ages of 6 months and 9 years each have testosterone concentrations of less than 7 to 20 ng/dL.
  • Men between 10 and 11 years old have less than 7 to 130 ng/dL, whereas women between 10 and 11 years old have less than 7 to 44 ng/dL.
  • Fewer than 75 ng/dl in females 12 to 16 years of age.
  • More than 7 to 1,200 ng/dL is found in males aged 14 and under between the ages of 12 and 13.
  • Males between the ages of 15 and 16 typically have testosterone levels between 100 and 1,200 ng/dL.
  • Between 17 and 18 years of age, men’s testosterone levels range from 300 to 1,200 ng/dL, whereas female testosterone levels range from 20 to 75 ng/dL.

Testosterone levels in men and women usually vary from 240 to 950 ng/dL in people over 19 years of age, while in women they generally vary from 8 to 60 ng/dL.

More discussions of average testosterone levels by age are presented below.

In The Womb

Testosterone is essential for the development of a healthy fetus when a woman is pregnant. The maturation of a male reproductive system is under its direct control. According to the findings of a study that analyzed the brains of 60 children, the amounts of testosterone that are present in the mother’s womb may also affect how the right and left sides of the brain work.

For the development of a healthy brain in the fetus, the level of testosterone in the mother’s blood must remain within a very restricted range. It’s possible that having elevated levels of fetal testosterone is linked to autism.

Adolescence To Young Adulthood

The levels of the male hormone testosterone are at their peak throughout the transition from childhood to early adulthood. During puberty, the first visible signals of testosterone and other androgens in the body of boys become apparent. Puberty also marks the beginning of sexual development. As a boy matures into a man, his voice deepens, his shoulders get wider, and his face takes on a more masculine shape.


After males reach the age of 30, their testosterone levels may begin to drop at a rate of approximately one percent every year. The ovaries are the primary sites of testosterone production in premenopausal women. After menopause, which typically takes place between the ages of 45 and 55, levels will begin to fall.

Signs And Symptoms Of Low Testosterone

A testosterone blood test is a way to find out how much of the hormone you’re producing. Low testosterone levels can be hereditary in certain persons. If your testicles or ovaries are damaged by an illness, you may have a low testosterone level.

As you get older, your levels may decline. Average testosterone levels by age now differ. For decreased testosterone levels caused by age alone, the FDA recommends against using testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

Changes to sex life can occur when testosterone levels are low, such as the following:

  • fewer spontaneous erections due to lowered libido or decreased sexual desire
  • an inability to perform an erection (ED)
  • infertility

Low testosterone levels can also cause:

  • modifications to sleep schedules
  • lack of desire and difficulties concentrating
  • muscles that are smaller in size and strength
  • bones that are not as strong
  • men with huge breasts
  • depression\fatigue

Test yourself for low testosterone levels if you suspect that they may be present.

Therapy for Men With Low Testosterone

If your body is producing too little testosterone, your physician may suggest a variety of treatments, one of which is low testosterone therapy. This can be administered in several different ways, including by injection, patch, cream, gel, or pellet.

Those who are considering testosterone therapy should seek the advice of a professional. A trained medical practitioner is the best person to administer this kind of treatment.

Although it is completely natural for men to see a decline in testosterone levels as they get older, having an excessive testosterone level might lead to more serious health complications. People who have low testosterone levels, for instance, could find it difficult to lose weight for a variety of reasons, including having poor energy levels.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

If your health and quality of life are negatively impacted by low testosterone levels, maybe a strong choice is testosterone replacement therapy. Testosterone replacement therapy can be delivered in a variety of ways.

Increasing muscle mass and increasing sex desire are two possible outcomes of replacement treatment. There are, however, some drawbacks to the procedure.

Some studies have concluded that testosterone replacement therapy does not increase the incidence of prostate cancer, although the issue is still being studied. One study suggests that men on testosterone replacement medication have a lower risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer, but further research is needed.

What Can You Do To Maintain Healthy Testosterone Levels?

Average testosterone levels by age decline as you grow older, which can lead to a variety of health problems. Luckily, there are several things that people can do to maintain healthy testosterone levels or their average testosterone levels by age.

1. Enhance The Quality Of Your Diet.

Lifestyle choices like diet and exercise can have a big impact on testosterone levels. For instance, eating a diet that’s high in fat and cholesterol can lead to an increase in circulating testosterone. However, this isn’t necessarily a good thing, as too much testosterone can result in undesirable side effects such as acne and hair loss.

On the other hand, eating a nutritious diet that’s rich in vitamins and minerals can help to keep testosterone levels in check. In particular, foods like oysters, pumpkin seeds, and broccoli are excellent sources of nutrients that are known to support healthy testosterone production.

Maintaining a balanced diet improves testosterone levels in 2 ways:

  1. Dietary supplements can help you shed pounds and maintain a healthy weight
  2. Lessens the likelihood of a surge in blood sugar

2. Exercise Regularly.

Exercise has been demonstrated to increase testosterone levels in men in addition to its ability to assist with weight loss. In one study comparing both men and women who lifted free weights or used strength exercises for a total of 8 weeks, the researchers found that the men who used the free weights had a larger improvement in what is known as “free testosterone.” Free testosterone is testosterone that isn’t bound to proteins and can link to testosterone receptor sites in the cells.

Exercises such as strength training and weight lifting are commonly associated with muscle gain and an increase in testosterone, but other forms of physical activity, such as walking and HIIT, are just as effective.

Men who walked more than 4,000 steps per day had a lower risk of having relatively low testosterone levels than men who walked fewer steps per day, according to a recent study. In addition, for every 1,000 steps taken by the guys, testosterone levels rose by 7 ng/dL.

3. Ensure That You Get Enough Sleep.

Because testosterone levels rise when you sleep, sleep-deprived men may have decreased testosterone levels. Although the appropriate amount of sleep differs from person to person, one study found that sleeping for only five hours per night was linked to a drop in testosterone levels.

People who slept for only 4 hours per night were found to have levels that were on the verge of being insufficient in one study that lasted for a lengthy period. The findings of other extensive investigations support this.

According to the findings of one study, testosterone levels climb by an average of 15 percent higher for every extra hour of sleep that a person receives. Additionally, the optimal amount of sleep for your long-term health and testosterone production is between seven and ten hours every night, even though some people may function fine on less sleep.

4. Get Some Vitamin D From The Sun Or A Supplement.

The use of vitamin D is rapidly increasing, making it one of the most well-known vitamins in the world. Research has revealed that it is beneficial to one’s health in several ways, and it may also act as a testosterone levels booster.

Despite the significance of vitamin D, about half of the population of the United States suffers from a deficiency in the nutrient, and an even greater percentage has levels that are below what is considered to be ideal.

A supplement of around 3,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D3 taken daily was found to enhance testosterone levels by approximately 25 percent in research that lasted for 12 months. Vitamin D and calcium not only optimize testosterone levels in the elderly, but they also led to a reduction in the risk of falling.

Either spend time in the sun consistently or take a vitamin D3 supplement containing around 3,000 international units daily to reap the benefits of vitamin D, including an increase in testosterone production.

5. Reduce Cortisol Levels And Stress.

Unnaturally high levels of cortisol might lead to a rapid decline in testosterone. These hormones have a seesaw-like effect on the body; when one hormone rises, the other hormone falls.

Stress and elevated cortisol can also cause an increase in food intake, which can lead to weight gain as well as the storage of potentially hazardous body fat surrounding your organs. As a result, these shifts may hurt your testosterone levels.

You should make an effort to decrease the number of stressful circumstances that occur recurrently in your life if you want both your health and your hormone levels to be at their best.

Your focus should be on a diet that is focused on whole foods, exercising regularly, quality sleep, plenty of laughing, and a balanced lifestyle. All of these things can help reduce stress, enhance your health, and increase your testosterone levels.

FAQs About Average Testosterone Levels By Age

1. Are My Testosterone Levels In A Healthy Range?

Not all men and women who have low testosterone may show any symptoms at all. The best approach to assess whether or not you have a normal amount of testosterone is to get a test that measures your testosterone levels.

2. When Is the Best Time to Get Your Testosterone Levels Tested?

Testosterone levels fluctuate throughout the day, with the highest levels occurring in the morning. For this reason, it is generally recommended that men have their testosterone levels tested first thing in the morning. However, some men may have higher levels in the afternoon, so it is important to discuss options with a healthcare provider.

In addition, men who are taking testosterone replacement therapy may need to have their levels checked more frequently to ensure that they are within the therapeutic range. Ultimately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to testing testosterone levels. The best time to get tested will depend on individual factors and should be discussed with a doctor.

Final Thoughts

Testosterone has been linked to men’s desire for sex. Bone and muscle mass, mental health, red blood cell formation, and fat storage are also affected by it. Physical and mental health might be affected by abnormally low or high amounts.

A simple blood test can tell your doctor exactly how much testosterone is in your system. A treatment for males with low testosterone levels is available in the form of testosterone injections. Ask your doctor if this therapy is right for you if you have low testosterone levels.

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Daniel Louwrens BSc PT

Daniel Louwrens BSc PT | Writer

Daniel Louwrens is a well-rounded fitness professional with over 10 years of experience in bodybuilding and fitness. He holds a BSc in Chemistry from the University of Western Cape and is a certified International Personal Trainer and Nutritionist. He is also a skilled bodybuilder and head coach for Muscle and Brawn. With his knowledge and expertise, he provides personalized training, nutrition, and recovery guidance to help clients reach their fitness goals.

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Rick Willemain
Rick Willemain
8 months ago

Is TRT safe or men 75 and older ? Aany common complications like blood clots?

Rick Willemain
Rick Willemain
8 months ago

” safe for men 75 or older ?”

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