Bodybuilding Testosterone Boosters

best testosterone boosters

If you are looking for a supplement to boost your testosterone levels, then this article is for you. Here we have researched the latest scientific studies on what are testosterone boosters.

We will reveal if these supplements are just another scam that the supplement industry is trying to sell you or there are products that actually work. Besides, you will learn more about the impact of your diet and lifestyle on your testosterone.

Keep on reading to discover the best testosterone supplements, foods, and lifestyle changes that will boost your T levels according to scientific evidence.

Warning: The content on and the information included in this article is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Prior to buying anything, check that it is compliant where you live with your current government laws. We frequently mention research chemicals that are not made for human consumption. Therefore, before purchasing any product for personal use, consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first.

TL; DR; Just tell me what works!

  • The most important factors for optimal testosterone are optimal sleep, a balanced diet, and regular strength exercise.
  • Foods that naturally increase testosterone are ginger, white button mushrooms, cruciferous vegetables, pomegranates, oysters, and onions
  • Supplement ingredients that work under specific conditions include vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, boron, creatine, and ashwagandha.
  • Ginseng, Fenugreek, and Stinging Nettle Root are aphrodisiacs
  • The only 100% guaranteed way to increase testosterone is by TRT, which needs to be prescribed by a doctor and might still have some long-term concerns.

If you’d rather just see our suggestions, below is a nice summary. We have carefully selected only those supplements which are supported by independent scientific evidence.

Otherwise, you can keep reading to find out how we choose these testosterone supplements and which are their top ingredients to look out for.

Best Testosterone Booster for Bodybuilding on the Market

Testo Lab Pro

Best Testosterone Boosters

The product contains vitamin D, K2, Mg, Zn, and Boron. As we mentioned, Ashwagandha is also a quite promising testosterone booster.

Mucuna Pruriens is a promising extract, used for the production of levodopa containing products. Levodopa might increase dopamine which stimulates the hormonal chain for testosterone synthesis.

A couple of studies both by the same researchers suggest that Mucuna Pruriens can elevate testosterone levels by 38% in infertile men [98] [99]. Again, more research is needed to confirm it.

The product is also an effective testosterone booster and cortisol blocker combo and the evidence for Ashwagandha as a cortisol blocker is quite compelling. A randomized double-blind trial using a standardized extract of the ashwagandha roots called “KSM-66” found 27% cortisol reduction [100]. Another one using the pure root powder also reported a 32% reduction in cortisol levels [101].

This product has all the vitamins we need plus potent herbs and supplements that are potentially effective testosterone boosters according to the majority of trials. That is why it is our suggestion for the best testosterone supplement for 2020.


  • Contains vitamin D, K2, Mg, Zn, and Boron
  • Contains Ashwagandha
  • Contains Mucina Pruriens
  • Plant-based and vegetarian friendly


  • 4 capsules per serving
  • Some men may require additional servings

Best Testosterone Booster for Males Over 40: Testofuel

best testosterone booster

It contains most of the vitamins and minerals needed to support normal testosterone production – vitamin D, K2, Mg, and Zn.

Oyster extract is also a nice touch as oysters contain iodine and selenium, which are also great for T levels.

Korean Red Ginseng and Fenugreek are powerful aphrodisiacs and a great addition for men over 40 as they will significantly boost your libido.


  • Contains vitamin D, K2, Mg, and Zn.
  • Oyster extract rich in iodine and selenium
  • Contains aphrodisiacs for better erections
  • 90-day money-back guarantee


  • 4 capsules per serving
  • Some men may require additional servings

Best Testosterone Booster for Men over 50: TestoPrime

Testo Prime Review

TestoPrime provides men of all ages with natural support for testosterone levels in order to maximize strength, boost energy, and raise overall confidence in their masculinity.

This potent testosterone booster contains 12 ingredients sourced from vitamins, minerals, herbs, and supplements that are clinically-backed and have been proven to enhance men’s natural testosterone production.

Some of the key ingredients included in this scientifically-researched formula include:

  • 2,000 mg D-Aspartic Acid – Supports the production of luteinizing hormone (LH)
  • 8,000 mg Panax Ginseng – Boosts sex drive and energy
  • 668 mg KSM 66® Ashwagandha – Supports natural testosterone production and levels
  • 800 mg Fenugreek – Boosts sex drive and sexual function
  • 40 mg Zinc – Increases free testosterone by reducing its conversion into estradiol

It is recommended for men 18 and older to take 4 capsules of TestoPrime daily in order to maximize results. Whether you’re running low on energy and libido or need an extra boost of strength, TestoPrime has you covered!


  • 12 clinically-proven ingredients
  • All-natural solution
  • Easy-to-take capsule form


  • 4 capsules per serving
  • Doesn’t contain iodine, selenium, magnesium, or vitamin K2
  • Vitamin D dosage is somewhat low for testosterone support

Best Place to Buy Testosterone Online – Hone

Hone Health Review

Hone Health (formerly Peak) offers men at-home hormone testing and telehealth consults in order to treat hormone imbalances and help men feel their best, even after 30!

The company brings testosterone and hormone testing directly to its customers and also delivers medications directly right to your doorstep.

All customers will be required to take an at-home testosterone test and must participate in a video consultation prior to receiving individualized treatment.

Hone offers TRT in the form of intramuscular injections, topical cream, or sublingual troches.

Other forms of medical treatment include clomid and anastrozole and there’s also an all-natural supplement available for men who want to improve their testosterone production without the use of medication.

Hone has helped thousands of men within the United States improve their testosterone levels since its launch in 2020 and continues to provide one of the most convenient and affordable forms of treatment for HRT!


  • Only $45 for the test kit, lab analysis, and consultation
  • Examines 9 biomarkers in blood test
  • Offers both prescription treatment and natural supplement


  • Currently does not accept HSA/FSA
  • Not available in all states yet
  • Only offers 1 supplement for natural approach to treatment

The Truth About Testosterone Supplements

T is the male sex hormone and a symbol of masculinity because it influences strength, muscle mass, sexual function, general health, energy levels, confidence, and even mood.

That is why so many men are looking for a natural way to boost testosterone and supplement stores are full of bottles that promise 200% or even 300% more T. Despite their claims, there is rarely any proof for their effectiveness.

The truth is there are a lot of unproven substances on the market with questionable or no evidence at all about their effects.

However, there are also testosterone boosters containing ingredients for which we have a substantial amount of non-sponsored and peer-reviewed studies to support their effectiveness.

But first, here are a couple of the most common testosterone supplements which turn out to be not as effective as marketed.

The Truth About Tribulus Terrestris.

Tribulus Terrestris is a classic example of a common ingredient in almost every testosterone supplement.

It is widely used by men who either want to boost their testosterone naturally or want to increase their libido.

Also, some bodybuilders use it as a remedy after a steroid cycle to boost the natural T synthesis.

There are plenty of studies to support the effectiveness of Tribulus [1] [2] [3]. The problem is they are all performed on animals.

However, the studies performed on humans reveal that Tribulus Terrestris doesn’t have the same effect on men [4] [5] [6].

Furthermore, a study published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences shows that most of the products on the market contain extremely low levels of steroidal glycosides such as Protodioscin which is the one supposed to have the testosterone boosting effect.[7]

According to evidence, there are some benefits from supplementation, such as increased sexual desire, lower blood sugar, and cardiovascular risk [8] [9] [10].

Unfortunately, studies reveal there is no benefit for physical performance, fat loss, or muscle gains.[11] [12]

The Truth About D-Aspartic Acid (DAA)

DAA is another example of a supplement for which the evidence is rather conflicting.

There was one study performed in healthy men aged 27-37 that showed a 42% increase in testosterone after 12 days of supplementation [13].

Furthermore, there was another study in infertile men that showed a 30-60% increase in testosterone after DAA supplementation for 90 days [14].

Then came one small study of 10 obese men showing mixed results [15].

However, when researchers looked at the effect of DAA supplementation on physically active men, they found no effect on neither testosterone nor body composition and strength.[16]

What is more, another study in 26 active men with significantly higher doses even showed a decrease in testosterone levels after 2 weeks [17].

A 3-month follow-up study (randomized placebo-controlled trial) showed that the testosterone levels didn’t decrease or increase, which indicates that DAA is simply ineffective as a testosterone booster [18].

There was no additional increase in strength or muscle mass either when compared to the placebo group.

How to Increase Testosterone Naturally

Three major factors lay the foundation for your natural testosterone production. Those are sleep, nutrition, and physical activity.

High-quality sufficient sleep is the best testosterone booster out there

Sleep is by far the number one factor that will influence your testosterone synthesis.

Your daily T levels can vary a lot depending on whether or not you had a good sleep during the previous night.

A study by Penev published in “Sleep” revealed that men aged 64+ who slept only 4 hours per night had morning testosterone levels around 300 ng/dL compared to 600 ng/dL for the ones who slept for 8 hours [19].

Another small study restricted 10 healthy young men to 5 hours of sleep per night for a week and reported a ~15% decrease of 24-hour testosterone levels [20].

A significantly larger study performed on 531 Chinese men aged between 29 and 72 suggested that every extra hour of sleep correlates with about a 15% increase in both total and free testosterone [21].

So, if you are looking for the single best thing you can do to boost your T, then improving your sleep is the first thing to do.

Ditch the cardio and grab the weights

Regular physical activity is another cornerstone of optimal testosterone production.

However, the type of exercise also matters. Lifting weights can have a great effect on testosterone levels, while cardio training might even lower them in the long-term.

Multiple pieces of evidence suggest that endurance athletes and long-distance runners have lower T levels compared to non-athletes [22] [23] [24].

On the other hand, high-intensity interval training might have a positive effect on T production according to trials [25].

Furthermore, a pilling amount of evidence supports the effectiveness of lifting weights and strength-training for boosting testosterone levels [26] [27]. The effect is significant in both younger and older men, however the increase is higher in younger [28] [29].

There was a study performed on 20 young men with no prior experience with strength training [30]. The researchers assigned them to a resistance training program for 4 weeks involving basic exercises for the largest body muscles.

It revealed that there was a short-term acute drop in T levels right after each lifting session, but the 24-hour levels increased. Furthermore, the scientists measured a 40% increase on average in testosterone after a month of consistent training.

It is important to mention that the best exercises for boosting your testosterone levels are the heavier, compound exercises. This includes (but it is not limited to) the big 4: squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and overhead presses. In addition to that, you can also add rows, pull-ups, and isolation exercises.

Morning or evening training doesn’t matter for testosterone production according to science [31] [32].

Remember that overtraining will have the opposite effect, so you should combine weightlifting with proper rest, sleep, and dietary regime.

Balanced nutrition is the natural test booster you are looking for

Multiple studies have shown that diet higher in fats (35-40% of total calorie intake) results in higher levels of testosterone amongst participants when compared to lower fat intake (20% or less).

As evident from this study, the levels of testosterone also depends on the type of fat consumed, as well as total calorie intake, and protein to carb ratio [33].

While fat should be the source of more than 30% of your daily calories, obviously the distribution of proteins and carbs also matters.

The amount of carbs should be at least twice the amount of protein in your diet to boost testosterone production in your body.

Another important factor is the total caloric intake. Long-term caloric restriction can lower T levels.

However caloric restriction is the only way to lose weight, and obesity is even worse for testosterone because it increases its transformation into estrogen.

This is why you should aim to achieve the desired weight first and then stay in maintenance or a slight caloric surplus for optimal T.

Furthermore, the levels of HDL correlate with testosterone levels [34]. This is normal, considering the body synthesizes testosterone from cholesterol.

Good dietary sources of saturated fats and cholesterol are eggs and especially egg yolks.

It is important to note that eggs elevate the “good” cholesterol (HDL), while the “bad” one (LDL) remains unchanged, so they do not increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases [35] [36].

That is in large part due to their high amount of lecithin, which has a lipotropic effect.

A source of monounsaturated fats, which can boost testosterone and simultaneously is very healthy is the extra virgin olive oil.

For example, a study showed a 17% increase in testosterone levels amongst Moroccan men after they started consuming it [37].

The 6 Best Testosterone Booster Foods, Supported by Science

Another common question is which foods increase testosterone the most?

Well here they are:


Ginger root is a plant most commonly used as a spice. It is widely known for its medicinal properties.

However, it turns out that it has an impact on male hormones and reproductivity as well.

We have to mention that almost all studies investigating the relationship between testosterone and ginger are with rodents.

Despite the low quality of evidence, all of them show that supplementing with ginger and ginger extracts significantly increase testosterone levels.

A literature review by Banihani performed in 2018 summarized all the data available and showed that there are multiple possible mechanics, that could explain the effect [38].

As noted in that research, ginger is also containing selenium and zinc, which further improve the natural testosterone synthesis.

Of all studies, there is just one performed on humans – 75 infertile Iraqi men, which showed a 17.7% increase in testosterone levels after treatment with ginger [39].

It shows that the results from previous studies can indeed be replicated in humans, and ginger might be an effective natural testosterone booster.

You can put ginger in your tea, your soup, or in different sweets.

2.White button mushrooms

Although estrogen is the female hormone, small amounts of it are present in the bodies of males as well.

In women, the ovaries produce it, while in men there is an enzyme called aromatase that converts testosterone into estrogen.

The enzyme is produced by fat tissue, so men with higher fat percentage will have more of their testosterone transformed.

Inhibiting that conversion would result in less testosterone turned into estrogen, and higher T levels overall.

There are food sources that contain natural inhibitors for this enzyme, such as white button mushrooms.

The studies proving these effects were performed on breast cancer cells as inhibiting the enzyme also inhibits the proliferation of that malignant tumor.

In fact, studies have shown that these mushrooms contain either multiple inhibitors or more than one inhibitory mechanism which makes them very effective [40] [41].

Not to mention how low in calories they are. White button mushrooms are a year-round food option that can inhibit aromatase and boost your testosterone levels.

3. Cruciferous vegetables

Another powerful inhibitor of testosterone aromatization is the so-called Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) [42].

All cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, collard greens, and kale contain relatively large quantities of it.

I3C also converts estrogen into less potent hormones and it leads to an increased estrogen excretion through urine [43] [44].

All these effects of reducing the levels of estrogen are beneficial for testosterone production because high estrogen can suppress the release of the luteinizing hormone (LH) [45] [46].

LH is produced in the pituitary gland and stimulates the synthesis of testosterone in the testicles.

These vegetables are also rich in magnesium, which is shown to be beneficial for testosterone production and free T levels in studies [47].

Not to mention they are a good source of fiber and should be a part of every healthy diet.


Pomegranates have been a symbol of fertility and prosperity since ancient Greece. Nowadays, they are also known for being rich in antioxidants, such as polyphenols.  As it turns out, pomegranates can indeed improve fertility.

A study with 60 volunteers showed that pomegranate improves salivary levels of testosterone by 24% on average which directly correlates to blood levels [48]. It also had positive effects on mood and blood pressure.

The pomegranate fruits are also a source of polyphenols, called ellagitannins. As shown by evidence, they have anti-aromatase activity, which reduces the amount of testosterone converted into estrogen [49].

Most widely consumed is the pomegranate juice. The fruits are also rich in vitamins C, K1, and B9.


A little-known fact for onions, despite their wide use in many foods, is that they also boost the natural production of testosterone

Multiple studies in rodents have shown that onion increases the levels of the male hormone [50] [51].

One study went as far as reporting over a 300% increase in testosterone levels in rats [52].

There is only one study in humans, which also shows effectiveness in increasing testosterone, despite the effect being much less significant [53].

Overall a recent literature review has summarized the data so far and despite the low-level of evidence in all of the studies, the findings are consistent that onions do improve testosterone levels [54].

However, keep in mind that the level of evidence is rather low.


They contain the majority of vitamins and minerals we need to prevent deficits and boost testosterone levels.

This includes vitamin D3, zinc, selenium, copper, and iodine.

Furthermore, oysters can provide you with high quality easily absorbable protein, while simultaneously being low in calories.

Top 3 Testosterone Killing Foods

There are a number of foods that can actually lower your testosterone. Here are the 3 foods that lower testosterone levels:

Flaxseed and Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed is quite a healthy food, rich in omega3 and fiber. It has numerous benefits for your heart, immune system, and longevity.

However, if you have low testosterone, you might be better off avoiding it. Flaxseed is also rich in lignans which are known for their pro-estrogenic effects [55].

Multiple studies have revealed that consuming flaxseed lowers testosterone by 10-20% [56] [57].

This is beneficial for men with prostate cancer and male-pattern baldness but if you are a healthy male who wants to boost their testosterone, then you should avoid these seeds.


Another unexpected testosterone killer is spearmint. Studies conducted on animals show a significant oxidative effect on the hypothalamus and reduction in testicular function [58].

Women with high levels of testosterone also experienced a significant reduction in another study using spearmint tea [59].


Alcohol is a well-known carcinogen. Unfortunately, it has direct negative effects on the testicular tissue as well.

A study in men acutely intoxicated with alcohol showed a 15-30% reduction in T levels, 12-24h afterward [60].

Other studies in male patients also confirm these findings [61].

Interestingly, while T levels in men are suppressed, the production of androgens by the adrenal glands in women is increased under the effect of alcohol consumption [62].

Does Soy Increase Estrogen

While most of you expect to see soy here, a massive meta-analysis actually shows that this demonized GMO does not lower testosterone or increase estrogen in healthy men [63].

However, due to the isoflavone content, it reduces the rate of testosterone transformation into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is a more potent form of testosterone naturally found in the body [64]. This might actually be beneficial for people who experience hair loss or prostate problems.

Main Testosterone Booster Ingredients with Proven Benefits

The deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals can severely lower your T production.

However, if you already have adequate levels of these micronutrients, additional supplementation will not bring you any benefits.

Vitamin D3

The sunshine vitamin is the most deficient worldwide. Scientists are calling it a pandemic [65]. Vitamin D3 deficiency affects almost 50% of the world’s population [66] It affects people of every age, gender, race, and region [67] [68].

Actually, it is a steroid prohormone. There are receptors for it in almost every cell in our body, including the reproductive organs.

Multiple studies have investigated the relationship between the vitamin and testosterone levels.

The data shows that men who are sufficient in vitamin D3 have significantly higher levels of testosterone compared to insufficient ones [69] [70].

Correcting that deficiency is not always possible by exposure to sunlight, especially during the winter. This is why supplementation is strongly advised for most people.

Vitamin K2

This vitamin has two forms – K1 which is common in plant sources and K2 which is common in animal sources such as egg yolks, butter, and cheese.

Vitamin K1 is commonly added to supplements, as it should transform into its active form K2 in our body. It is also quite abundant in most plant foods.

However, studies suggest that this transformation is quite ineffective in humans, so we should pick K2 instead as a supplement [71] [72]. Vitamin K2 supports cardiovascular and bone health, acting in synergy with vitamin D.

However, new research indicates that vitamin K2 is also important for normal testosterone production. Multiple studies performed on rodents suggest that vitamin K2 deficiency significantly reduces T levels [73] [74] [75].

Make sure to consume fat-soluble vitamins such as D and K with a meal containing fat to boost their absorption.

Furthermore, excess vitamin A intake interferes with vitamin K absorption, so watch out for that too.  Vitamin A is also important for normal T levels so make sure to supplement it separately from D and K.

Zinc (Zn)

Zinc is a micronutrient that is extremely important for the normal immune function and male potency.  There is evidence that almost 30% of elderly people are deficient in it [76].

As shown by a pile of studies it helps increase testosterone levels [77] [78] [79] [80] [81].

Furthermore, it protects those levels from plummeting during exhaustion after exercise and other intensive physical activities.

Unfortunately, many multivitamins incorporate minerals in the form of non-organic salts with poor absorption, because it is cheaper. The most common example is magnesium oxide which has virtually no absorption.

When choosing a supplement, make sure that zinc or magnesium are not oxides because their absorption is almost none. Instead, go for organic salts such as picolinate, glycinate, and citrate.

Also be careful with combinations of calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc in large doses because they compete with each other’s absorption and you will not absorb either [82].

They use the same receptors which can uptake no more than 800mgs so high doses of one mineral will block the absorption of others when taken simultaneously.

Magnesium (Mg)

Yet another microelement that is commonly deficient amongst people. One study suggests that about 70% of adults in the US consume less Mg than the recommended daily amounts [83].

Magnesium controls over 300 processes and enzyme functions in the body. It is important for cardiovascular and bone health. In addition to that, magnesium improves sleep quality.

Relatively recent evidence suggests that Mg also plays a role in normal testosterone production.

A 4-weeks study revealed that magnesium supplementation boosts testosterone with 24% on average in both active and sedentary individuals [84].

Another study in older men with over 400 participants found that higher serum magnesium levels are linked to higher testosterone levels as well [85].

There is also this review that summarizes data from observational and intervention studies to conclude that magnesium has a positive effect on testosterone [86].


Few people have heard of Boron as it is only a trace mineral. This means we need very small amounts of it in our diet.

However, it has quite an impressive effect on T levels compared to the other minerals.

A small study revealed that supplementing 10mg of boron for a week boosted free testosterone levels with 28% [87].

The same researchers found similar results (15% increase in testosterone levels) with a previous study investigating the effects of boron on heart health [88].

However, it is important to mention that another study with a significantly lower dosage – 2.5mg – found no benefits for testosterone levels from boron supplementation [89].


Ashwagandha is an adaptogen. This means it affects the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the synthesis of stress hormones.

Thus, it increases your tolerance for stress. Multiple studies suggest that it is very effective in relieving stress and anxiety including randomized control trials and systematic reviews [90] [91].

However, studies are indicating that ashwagandha might improve fertility and testosterone levels too.

One of those was a study in infertile men, who supplemented with it for 3 months. The increase in testosterone was 10-22% and fertility improved in 14% of the subjects (their partners became pregnant) [92].

Another randomized control trial reported that ashwagandha supplementation is associated with significant increases in muscle mass, strength, and testosterone levels [93].

Both studies are small, so the evidence is not conclusive. We need more independent studies but the findings so far are consistent that ashwagandha might be an effective testosterone booster.


Over 70 studies have all reported that creatine monohydrate is effective for improving strength and athletic performance.

However, less known is the effect of creatine on testosterone. A randomized placebo-controlled trial found out that testosterone trended higher with 100 mg/kg creatine dose, compared to the placebo treatment [94].

Three weeks of creatine monohydrate supplementation increased DHT [95].

A study in swimmers found out that creatine supplementation not only increased performance but also boosted testosterone levels with 15% on average [96].

Another study in 20 physically active males showed 17% higher testosterone levels after creatine supplementation when compared to controls [97].

Overall creatine monohydrate is a great supplement or everyone who regularly performs resistance training exercises.

Benefits and Side Effects of Testosterone Supplements

Unlike testosterone therapy, natural testosterone supplements have very few side effects.

For example, ashwagandha is safe when taken for up to 3 months. We do not have more data for long-term safety.

Large doses of the product can lead to gastrointestinal problems, such as an upset stomach, vomiting, or diarrhea.

Consult your doctor first before taking ashwagandha in case you have problems with blood pressure, stomach ulcers, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, thyroid disorder, or upcoming surgery.

In general, testosterone boosters should not be taken by children and pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Make sure to do not exceed the recommended daily dosage of the supplement, as many vitamins and minerals can be toxic if overdosed.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Results and Side-Effects

The low T symptoms can include low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, decreased muscle mass, body and facial hair loss, and poor energy levels.

The benefits of TRT vary significantly from person to person [104]. The majority of men experience improved mood, sex drive, erections, and energy levels.

Others barely notice any effects. T also increases muscle mass, bone density, and insulin sensitivity. The side effects can also vary a lot depending on the individual.

They usually involve acne and oily skin, shrinkage of the testicles, low sperm count and infertility, gynecomastia, increased risk of blood clots.

Some evidence suggests there might be an increased risk for heart attack and stroke [105] [106].

Conditions such as prostate hypertrophy or prostate cancer and serious contraindication for testosterone replacement [107] [108].

Avoid TRT if you also have sleep apnea or congestive heart failure and these conditions will get worse [109].

Varicose vein and increased risk of blood clot formation is another strong contraindication.

TRT can cause an increase in the number of red blood cells. That creates a risk of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism which is a life-threatening condition.

There are a few different forms, each with certain advantages and disadvantages:

Skin Patches – easy to apply several times per day but they can cause skin irritation and rashes

Gels – again easy to apply on the skin but if someone gets in contact with that area of your skin in the next several hours, they will get testosterone in their system too.

Mouth patch – it sticks to the upper gums above the front teeth and you have to do it twice a day. It can cause irritation and gum disease.

Implants – a doctor inserts it under your skin every 3 to 6 months and requires a minor surgery every time.

Muscle Injections – they are less expensive and a doctor needs to reapply it every 2 to 10 weeks but the testosterone levels are not always stable in the long term.

Oral tablets – it is not advisable to take testosterone pill orally because there is a risk for liver injury. The other methods listed above bypass the liver so there is no risk.

Your doctor will monitor your testosterone levels every 3 or 6 months, depending on the form of TRT. This is not a cure, but symptomatic treatment, so if you stop the therapy, your T levels might drop again.

In case you experience chest pain, shortness of breath, slurred speech, or trouble moving parts of your body then seek medical help immediately.

Currently, the sports, health, and fitness supplement industry are more popular and competitive than ever before, and when you see the incredible list of supplements currently available for purchase, you may get a much clearer indication of why.

Think of any health issue/sporting goal and there’s an incredibly high chance that there will be a supplement out there designed to help with that very same example you thought of.

There are supplements for vitamin and mineral deficiencies, there are supplements for the eyes, supplements for the brain, supplements for the liver, supplements for building muscle, and much, much more besides.

For individuals with low testosterone levels, or simply for individuals looking to naturally boost their testosterone levels, there are also testosterone booster to help do that.

If you want to naturally boost your test levels, take a look at the following top testosterone booster benefits.

1. Improved Muscle Mass

Testosterone is the dominant male sexual hormone, produced within the testicles, that plays a key role in so many functions and processes within the body, and one of which just so happens to be muscle growth and repair.

One of the main reasons why people may consider using a testosterone booster is so that they can increase the amount of muscle mass being carried on their frames.

Put simply, the more testosterone in your body, the more muscle you will build, so if muscle growth if one of your goals, using a testosterone booster could be ideal.

2. Enhanced Libido

Another one of the top testosterone booster benefits associated with increased testosterone levels is the fact that the libido and sex drive naturally gets boosted as a result.

For individuals suffering from sexual health issues, or who are perhaps struggling to become aroused, again, a testosterone booster could be ideal.

3. Optimal Cardiovascular Health

The healthier and stronger your heart is, the healthy the rest of you is because the heart is responsible for pumping blood around your body, which in turn transports oxygen and nutrients to muscles and major organs all over your body.

Studies have found that individuals with reduced testosterone levels are far more likely to suffer from cardiovascular conditions than people with average/high testosterone levels.

4. Testosterone Booster for a Healthy blood

Another benefit associated with the use of an effective testosterone booster is the fact that testosterone has been proven to help promote healthy blood as well.

Individuals suffering from anaemia can benefit, especially because testosterone has been proven on numerous occasions to help boost natural red blood cell counts within the body, and as the main characteristic of anaemia is low red blood cell counts, nothing more needs to be said, really.

5. Stronger Muscles

Not only has testosterone been found to help promote increased muscle mass and size, it also happens that testosterone has also been proven on numerous occasions to help promote bigger and stronger muscles as well.

It’s all well and good having large muscles, but because an individual is big, doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re strong.

One of the top greatest testosterone booster benefits is naturally increase your testosterone levels however, is ideal because testosterone has been proven to promote enhanced muscle strength as well,

This isn’t just beneficial in the gym, it’s beneficial in everyday life as functional strength can help make everyday tasks such as gardening or moving furniture around the home that much easier and more straightforward as a result.

6. Improved Mental Health and Mood in General

Not only does testosterone help to improve arousal and libido, studies have also found that naturally high levels of testosterone have also been proven to have a positive effect on a person’s mental health and mood in general.

Testosterone helps to promote feelings of happiness and self-confidence, making it a powerful tool against stress and depression.

As far as a person’s mood is concerned, testosterone has been found to help promote the release of endorphins within the body, which are actually referred to as “happy chemicals”, because they make us feel happy, confident, and content.

The more endorphins we have, the happier we feel.

Testosterone also helps to promote mental clarity and focus, so individuals with high testosterone levels find it far easier to focus and concentrate on various tasks at hand.

7. Better Body Composition in General

Not only has increasing your testosterone levels been found to help promote lean muscle growth and repair, testosterone has also been found to help promote and improve body composition in general too.

This is because along with the increases in lean muscle mass, both size and definition, testosterone also help to boost the metabolism, which in turn helps to promote fat loss.

Testosterone also helps to prevent fat gain due to the fact that it helps inhibit the uptake of various triglycerides and can increase the mobilisation of lipids from your adipose tissue.

Put simply, it prevents the body from storing body fat due to the fact that it helps encourage it to use fat as a primary source of energy, instead of glucose which comes from carbohydrates.

So, by using a testosterone booster, you’re able to increase your lean muscle mass and decrease the amount of body fat being carried on your frame, which many of you will agree, will make for a far more aesthetic and attractive-looking physique as a result, which make it one of the greatest testosterone booster benefits.

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Kathryn Giuffrida MPH

Kathryn Giuffrida MPH | Writer

Kathryn is a Florida native with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and a Master of Public Health in Environmental and Occupational Health. She is an accomplished digital marketer, having contributed to websites like Muscle and Brawn, and an avid swimmer who qualified to compete in the 2020 TYR Pro Series. Kathryn's passion for science, health, and fitness make her an asset to any platform seeking engaging and scientifically sound content.

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