13 Pilates Statistics and Facts

Pilates and Yoga have become more popular than ever, especially after the lockdown. Let's look at the statistics about these two fitness lifestyles.

Top 8 Pilates Training Statistics

  1. In 202o, the pilates market was worth $64 million
  2. 90% of pilates instructors are women
  3. 71% of global pilates instructors are white, with only 7% African-American
  4. Pilates training reduces back pain
  5. The yoga studios’ market growth rate has declined faster than other health sectors
  6. in 2023, the pilates market is expected to reach $11.8 billion
  7. Yoga and pilates are expected to grow in SE Asia by $89 million
  8. Between 2021 and 2028, the pilates market will grow at 10% annually (CAGR)

Chapter 1: Pilates Training and Strength Statistics

Authentic Pilates training has been shown to have enormous health benefits on all muscle groups, including the abdominal muscles. This might reflect the recent boom in the popularity of pilates classes as it dramatically increases muscle strength in a low-impact manner. Pilates training is also an excellent option for the elderly and those recovering from an injury.

1. Pilates has been shown to improve mood and self-efficacy over Taiji Quan

One study looked at the effectiveness of pilates compared to Taiji Quan and found that after 15 weeks of classes, 2 times a week for 75 minutes each, the pilates group significantly improved their mood. However, no significant changes were seen in sleep quality, strength, and balance. (1)

2. Pilates reduced back pain in 39 volunteers

Pilates training was shown to significantly reduce the intensity, frequency, and duration of back pain. in 39 volunteers. Researchers used the “leg-standing work test” to asses load transfer, with all 39 participants seeing an alleviation in pain. (2)

3. BMI was reduced by 3.1% in young girls performing pilates training

A study of 30 young girls looked at the effectiveness of pilates training over a 4-week period. Pilate classes lasted for 60 minutes and were conducted 5 times a week. At the end of the study, the body mass index of these girls was lower by 3.1% compared to the control group of 0.8%. (3)

Chapter 2: Pilates and Yoga Studios Market Statistics

Pilates classes and yoga studios’ market growth rate is only expected to increase, especially as fitness buffs became increasingly aware of the powerful health benefits that pilates training and yoga classes offer. Business owners have moved to open fitness studios along with pilates and yoga studios in the hope of seeing continued market growth.

1. 90% of pilates instructors are women

A whopping 90% of pilates instructors are women, which in some sense is quite surprising considering most sports and fitness activities are dominated by men. Men make up the other 10% of instructors.

2. Male pilates instructors earn more

Despite being only 10% of the global pilates instructors, men earn $54,128 compared to their female instructor counterparts, who take home $51,834 annually.

3. 71% of pilates instructors are white

The overwhelming majority of pilates instructors are white, while Latinos make up 10%, African-Americans 7%, and Asian 5%.

4. 71% of pilates instructors have a degree

71% have earned a bachelor’s degree, 12% of pilates instructors have earned a master’s degree, 9% have an associate, and only 2% hold a doctorate degree.

5. 70% of pilates instructors work in the private sector.

It’s not surprising that the vast majority of yoga and pilates instructors work in the private sector, which typically offers more money and freedom in terms of contracts and training styles. 25% also work in education, while only 2% work in government. (4)

Chapter 3: Global Pilates and Global Market Statistics

Due to pilates wide-reaching popularity, the market growth has been tremendous not only in North America but across the global pilates industry. Pilates participants have wide-ranging socio-economic brackets and come from different cultural backgrounds. Many celebrities also rave about the benefits of pilates, which might also help to explain the growth rate in the yoga studios market.

1. The pilates and yoga studios market is expected to generate nearly $270 million by 2028

Growth factors such as global pilates classes and a renewed interest in health and fitness are expected to be the main drivers behind pilates and its continued popularity among the trendy and elite.

2. The pilates and yoga studios market will continue to grow at a CAGR of 10% until 2028

As disposable income rises, more people have the financial freedom to engage in activities like yoga and pilates. Pilates and yoga studios also tend to offer memberships in “bundles,” making them more affordable. The extra disposable income also means members are more likely to buy clothing and other related products sold at yoga studios. (5)

3. The US pilates market is worth $11.8 billion

It’s no surprise to see the American market leading the way when it comes to market size in pilates and yoga studios. Experts believe the market will be worth a whopping $11.8 billion and is expected to grow as people become increasingly aware of the importance of staying healthy.

Chapter 4: Pilates and Yoga Studios Industry History Statistics

In recent years pilates has proven itself to be much more than just another “fitness fad.” Joseph and Clara Pilates opened the first pilates studio in New York City in 1920. Their pilates studio was named “Body Conditioning Gym,” and launched the yoga studios market more than 100 years ago.

Joseph Pilates is quoted as saying, “I invented all these machines, it resists your movements in just the right way, so those inner muscles really have to work against it. That way, you can concentrate on movement. You must always do it slowly and smoothly. Then your whole body is in it.”

1. The pilates market has declined by 1% since 2018

The market growth rate of pilates, particularly in the US, has slowly seen a decline of 1% annually between 2018 and 2023.

2. Yoga, a sub-component of pilates, grew to $63 million in 2020

Pilates and yoga studios got off to a flying start in 2020 until the global pandemic kicked off in full flight. The COVID-19 response of lockdowns and the strict hygiene measures and social distancing put in place meant that many of the yoga studios that were flourishing were forced to close their doors. (6)

Frequently Asked Questions

Is pilates scientifically proven?

Recent scientific research has shown that pilates has numerous benefits not only for our physical health but our mental health too. Pilates can increase strength, improve posture, reduce pain, improve flexibility and range of motion, and boost overall life quality.

Is pilates growing in popularity?

Although the overall forecast from Google trends showed a slight reduction in most fitness and sporting activities, pilates was one of the only modalities that showed continued growth. According to experts, pilates classes will expand at an annual growth rate of 10% during the periods 2021 and 2028.

What demographic is pilates for?

According to some demographic numbers published by the Australian Sports Department, showed that 71% of yoga participants are white, 10% are Latino or Hispanic, 7% are African American, and 5% are Asian. As you can see, Pilates classes and pilates instructors are popular among nearly every country and race of people globally.

Why is pilates so effective?

Pilates can help you in several different ways, including physical and mental health. Pilates can promote blood flow which helps quicken muscle recovery and improve flexibility. Pilates is also an excellent way to relieve stress and anxiety and improve cognitive function.

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Di Lorenzo C. E. (2011). Pilates: what is it? Should it be used in rehabilitation?. Sports health, 3(4), 352โ€“361. https://doi.org/10.1177/1941738111410285

Di Lorenzo C. E. (2011). Pilates: what is it? Should it be used in rehabilitation?. Sports health, 3(4), 352โ€“361. https://doi.org/10.1177/1941738111410285

Di Lorenzo C. E. (2011). Pilates: what is it? Should it be used in rehabilitation?. Sports health, 3(4), 352โ€“361. https://doi.org/10.1177/1941738111410285





Brenton Barker

Brenton Barker | Writer

Brenton is a highly qualified sports coach with over 20 years of experience working with professional athletes. With a degree in sports coaching and experience in prominent positions, including Head Advisor to the Japanese Government Sports Institute and Manager & Head Coach to Australia's Governing Sporting Body. Currently, he consults with several professional athletes and sporting organizations, sharing his expertise to help them reach their full potential.

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