Phenylpiracetam: Uses and Effects

Human brain under the effects of Phenylpiracetam

Phenylpiracetam’s chemical name is ((RS)-2-(2-OXO-4-phenylpyrrolidin-1-y1) acetamide). It is also sold under the Carphedon and Phenotropil. Created in Russia in the early 1980s, it was developed to enhance brainpower as well as physical performance. Phenylpiracetam is actually one of the few nootropics that is banned for use by professional athletes.

Phenylpiracetam is made from Piracetam, one of the first nootropics every developed. Even though Piracetam has been around for much longer, Phenylpiracetam is 30 to 60 times stronger. It is also more bioavailable than its precursor. This means that the body absorbs Phenylpiracetam more efficiently than Piracetam. It also passes through the blood-brain barrier more easily. Therefore, you don’t have to take as much as many other nootropics to experience the same effects.

Nootropics are a group of supplements that essentially improve brain function. They help people remember and recall information better, solve problems more easily, concentrate better and think more clearly. Many nootropics have an ability to prevent brain cells from damage due to substances like alcohol or the cognitive decline that is associated with age. Scientists have found that nootropics are extremely safe and have few side effects.

When people consume Phenylpiracetam, they experience effects similar to those of many nootropics. These include mental alertness, reduction of brain fog, increased capacity for learning and improved productivity.

Unlike most nootropics, Phenylpiracetam also has physical benefits. It improves locomotor activity. This means that your brain is better able to communicate with your muscles. It can boost physical endurance and performance. It even increases your resistance to cold, which is why it’s popular for people who play winter sports.

Many athletes and bodybuilders take this supplement as a pre-workout nutrient to boost performance during their workouts. People who take it just for its cognitive and stimulating effects usually take it when they want an added enhancement to the nootropics that they regularly take. The supplement has even been recommended as a mental booster for Russian astronauts.

While many nootropics act upon one or two neurotransmitters, Phenylpiracetam acts upon several. Evidence suggests that Phenylpiracetam acts upon the neurotransmitters acetylcholine, GABA, NDMA and dopamine as well as their receptors. This is why it benefits people when it comes to both physical performance and mood.

When taken by mouth, 100% of the substance is absorbed through the intestines and other organs. After it is metabolized, 60% is removed from the body through the urine. Forty percent is excreted through bile. That means that it doesn’t convert into another substance within the body.

In 2003, Phenylpiracetam was approved to treat some mental disorders and brain impairment. It has been sold under the names Phenotropil, Entrop and Carphedon.

Warning: The content on and the information included in this article is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Prior to buying anything, check that it is compliant where you live with your current government laws. We frequently mention research chemicals that are not made for human consumption. Therefore, before purchasing any product for personal use, consult with your doctor or healthcare provider first.

Is Phenylpiracetam Legal?

Phenylpiracetam’s ban for professional athletes has confused many people as to its legality. Many people think that because it is considered to be a substance used for doping by professional athletic associations, it’s illegal. However, Phenylpiracetam is legal in many countries, including the United States, Canada and the U.K. You must have a prescription to purchase it in Russia.
Every country has different laws regarding the regulation of supplements and psychoactive substances. The Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, regulates certain medications in the United States. Phenylpiracetam is not considered a controlled or regulated substance by the FDA. It is legal to purchase and use.
In April 2016, the U.K. passed the Psychoactive Substances Act, which bans the use of many substances that previously provided legal highs. The wording of the Act is somewhat vague, however. While many companies that sell Phenylpiracetam within the U.K. have ceased to sell the substance, it is not illegal to possess it.
In Canada, an agency similar to the FDA regulates medications. Phenylpiracetam is not a regulated medication in Canada. Therefore, you may purchase and use Phenylpiracetam in Canada.
In most cases, laws differ for those selling substances and those consuming them. Consuming Phenylpiracetam for personal use is legal in most countries.

Compared to Other Nootropics

Noopept vs Phenylpiracetam

Phenylpiracetam is often linked with Noopept. When many users of nootropics, or smart drugs, look into using one of these substances, the other is usually referred to in some manner. Phenylpiracetan and Noopept have many similarities. They also have several differences.

Both substances are some of the strongest available. However, while Phenylpiracetam is up to 60 times more potent than its parent drug, Piracetam, Noopept is up to 1,000 times more potent than Piracetam.

Noopept and Phenylpiracetam are both used to increase focus and motivation. People who take Noopept or Phenylpiracetam report feeling like learning comes easier. They are better able to concentrate on complex tasks and recall information later. Both nootropics can also make visuals and other sensations more vivid.
Both Noopept and Phenylpiracetam also help to improve mood. Users turn to these substances to improve nervousness and social anxiety.

One of the biggest differences between the two nootropics is that people tend to take Noopept regularly over long periods of time. The best way to take Noopept is to cycle it on and off every few months. Most users report that Noopept reaches peak levels after 1 to 2 weeks of taking it.

On the other hand, Phenylpiracetam tends to provide immediate effects. If you have an exam to study for and you pop a Phenylpiracetam for the first time, you’ll be able to focus and remember more. However, many people claim that tolerance can develop within just a few days. This makes Phenylpiracetam more ideal for quick fixes instead of long-term use.

The question may not be whether Phenylpiracetam is better than Noopept. They can be taken simultaneously. If you already take Noopept on a regular basis and need to improve your performance for a day or two, you can add Phenylpiracetam to give you added focus and energy.

Likewise, if you’ve spent a few overnighters writing a paper, you can take Phenylpiracetam to help you stay awake in class and allow you to concentrate on your other projects or tasks. You can keep taking the Noopept during that time to continuously improve your cognition and help boost your mood.

Phenylpiracetam users may have fewer side effects than Noopept users if they’re taking each supplement alone. Researchers have found that Noopept can cause irritability and hypertension.

Some people claim that they feel foggy when they use Noopept over a long-term period. Taking Phenylpiracetam with Noopept can alleviate this foggy feeling and make you more clearheaded.

Phenylpiracetam vs Pramiracetam

Pramiracetam is another derivative of Piracetam. It enhances mental performance, but it does not affect users’ physical performance. Pramiracetam can also be used more regularly than Phenylpiracetam, because users don’t tend to build up a tolerance as easily.

Phenylpiracetam works on dopamine receptors in the brain. This allows it to affect the user’s mood. Pramiracetam is not associated with as many benefits for mood. However, Pramiracetam can help with attention and memory. It increases blood flow to the brain, so it can make you feel more energetic. Pramiracetam does not have the same stimulatory effect as Phenylpiracetam. The manner in which it can increase your energy is much more subtle.

Judging from anecdotal evidence, it seems as though Pramiracetam is more likely to cause headaches as a side effect. This may be caused by the fact that people usually take Pramiracetam for longer periods of time than they take Phenylpiracetam.

Phenylpiracetam vs Piracetam

Even though Phenylpiracetam is made from Piracetam, it is much more potent. While the average suggested dose for Piracetam is 50 to 300mg per kg, the average suggested dose for Phenylpiracetam is 2.5 to 5mg per kg. The half-life is quite similar to that of Piracetam.

Phenylpiracetam typically works more effectively and more rapidly than Piracetam. However, because Piracetam is more subtle, it is more commonly used over long periods of time than Phenylpiracetam. It also tends to be more affordable.

Half Life: How Long Does Phenylpiracetam Last

Most users feel the effects of Phenylpiracetam within 1 hour after ingestion. However, users say that the effects come on very smoothly. Because of this, some people don’t notice that the drug is actually working until they’ve completed a task more efficiently or experienced better endurance or speed while running, for example.
The substance has a half-life of 3 to 5 hours, which is more than many other potent nootropics. For that reason, Phenylpiracetam is usually taken fewer times a day than other nootropics, such as Pramiracetam or Noopept.

Taking A Megadose: Is Overdose Possible?

Some people desire to take a megadose of certain nootropics to boost their mental capacities even more. Different people have different results with megadosing. In addition, different nootropics offer different effects when taken in large quantities. Sometimes, effects that are not usually noted with the regular dosage may be evident when megadosing.
When taking large amounts of some nootropics, you might experience a reaction that is opposite to your normal reaction. Some people say that your muscles are stronger when you take a dosage of Phenylpiracetam that’s closer to the maximum recommended dose.

Many users say that you should not megadose with Phenylpiracetam because it is so stimulating. Even two doses of 250mg per day could be excessive. The manufacturer states that the maximum daily dose should be limited to 750mg.

Even 300mg taken at one time may be considered to be a megadose.


Users report that it is very easy to develop a tolerance to Phenylpiracetam.

Many people recommend taking Phenylpiracetam only as needed. It can boost the effects of other nootropics when taken once in a while. You’ll feel the effects of Phenylpiracetam more when you take it infrequently.

One user reported feeling diminished mental effects after taking Phenylpiracetam after the first 5 or 6 days. However, when that user exercised, the effects on physical performance were still noticeable. Some people say that this supplement actually works better when it is activated by physical exercise.

The Trading Edge describes the desire to achieve that initial strong effect as “chasing the dragon.” In order to avoid tolerance, it’s important to take regular breaks from the supplement, take the lowest dose that brings about results and time your consumption ideally.
Some people cycle the supplement by taking it only 3 days out of a 7-day period.

If you don’t need to focus, improve your physical performance or enhance your cognitive abilities, don’t take the supplement during that time. This is especially important for nootropics such as Phenylpiracetam, to which you can develop a tolerance fairly easily.

Dosage: How Much Phenylpiracetam To Take

The amount of Phenylpiracetam that you take depends on the effects that you want to achieve. Different dosages are necessary for different purposes. If you’re taking it to study, you might take a different dosage than someone who is taking it before a workout. There is no official recommendation for how much Phenylpiracetam to take.

Some recommend taking 200mg once or twice a day. The manufacturer suggests that you should only take 100mg a day. recommends taking a total of 200 to 600mg a day, dosing 100 to 200mg at a time. Most users take a total of between 100 and 300mg every day.

The amount that you take depends largely on the way the supplement affects you. If you’re just starting out, you may want to start at a lower dose before increasing it. It is recommended to take no more than 100mg if you have never taken a smart drug before. In fact, many resources recommend that new nootropic users start with 50mg. Even a difference of 10mg can have significant effects on your response to the drug.

Recording your experience with the supplement is also a good idea. Take notes on what time you took the drug and how much you consumed. As you begin to feel the effects, record what those affects are and at what time you experience them. This will help you develop the ideal dosage for your needs.

How To Take Phenylpiracetam: What’s The Best Way?

The ideal way to take Phenylpiracetam is to consume some in the morning and some in the afternoon. Taking it too late in the day can interfere with your sleep cycles and keep you awake overnight. If you’re trying to stay awake to study for an exam or write a paper, this can be beneficial. However, if you’re using it to improve your physical and cognitive abilities during the day, it’s important to get enough sleep at night to fully replenish your body.

Phenylpiracetam comes in capsules and powder form. The powder tastes terrible, according to users. However, many users report getting better and faster results when they take the powder sublingually as opposed to swallowing a pill.

Many people mix Phenylpiracetam with liquid and swallow it. Some users recommend only mixing it with a small amount of chocolate milk or juice and shooting the liquid. This will help you avoid having to chug a large glass of awful-tasting fluid. Another user said that you can mix a little sugar and Phenylpiracetam powder into a shot glass of water and drink it quickly.

Although internet reports claim that Phenylpiracetam is soluble in water, it actually has hydrophobic properties. This can make it clump up if you don’t add it to a fatty beverage, like milk. This suggests that you should consume Phenylpiracetam with fat or food.

You can take it as a capsule along with a fish oil capsule, or you can swallow the capsule after eating a meal that contains fat. You can even mix the powder with a small amount of oil and shoot it. Some users will add a pinch of the powder into a glob of coconut oil and swallow it quickly.

If you don’t want to deal with the extremely bitter taste of the powder, swallow Phenylpiracetam in capsule form. You can purchase it as capsules or purchase bulk powder and encapsulate your own. You don’t need special equipment to put the powder into a capsule. Simply fold a piece of paper in half and add the powder to the crease. Use it as a funnel to pour the powder into the open capsule.

Some people only add powder to half of a capsule and swallow it without closing it. By dosing in this way, they don’t have to wait as long for the pill to be digested before feeling the effects. However, it doesn’t taste as bad as mixing it with a beverage.

Taking Phenylpiracetam Sublingual

Although taking Phenylpiracetam sublingually is perfectly safe, it is not the most palatable option. Some people simply can’t stand the taste.

If you want to try using the powder sublingually, place the correct dosage under your tongue. When you can’t stand the taste anymore, wash some of it down with a sweet-tasting beverage. Repeat this technique until all of the substance has dissolved.

Taking It Orally With Food

When you take Phenylpiracetam with food, it is completely absorbed in the intestines. This is different than many other nootropics, which are only partially absorbed in the digestive tract. This enhanced absorption is one of the reasons why Phenylpiracetam is so potent. It does not appear to metabolize into another substance in your body. Therefore, more pure Phenylpiracetam crosses the blood-brain barrier.

It may separate when added to water, so taking it with fat can improve the absorption of the substance. That doesn’t mean that you should sprinkle the powder over food, however. The taste is incredibly bitter, and taking it orally by sprinkling it on food is incredibly unappetizing.
The best way to take Phenylpiracetam with food is to swallow a capsule during a meal. As your digestive system works to process the food, it will also digest and process the supplement. This will allow for maximum absorption in your body.

Insufflation (Snorting It)

Some nootropics are more bioavailable when they’re snorted. For example, Noopept is only about 9% bioavailable when taken orally. It is 100% bioavailable when snorted through the nose.

Because Phenylpiracetam is 100% bioavailable when taken orally, many users believe there is no reason to snort it. It might provide a faster high if you snort it, but you will still absorb the same amount as if you swallowed it.

Users have reported getting a full effect from a smaller dosage when snorting the supplement. However, it can be damaging to nasal tissue. One user said that it caused the inside of the nose to peel. Snorting Phenylpiracetam can also be painful. It causes intense burning and stinging in the nose, eyes and face.

Some people claim that they have a more vivid experience when they snort the drug. Even though it is painful and can cause damage, this leads some people to continue to snort it.

Phenylpiracetam Review & User Experience

You will always find mixed reviews on smart drugs when you research them online. That’s because different people have different experiences with nootropics. The way Phenylpiracetam affects you, tolerance and side effects are all dependent on your biochemistry and metabolism. Other supplements, your diet and hydration can also play a part in your nootropic experience.

Phenylpiracetam and Alcohol

The pharmacological insert that comes with Phenotropil states that the drug is safe to use with alcohol. There are no specific contraindication.
However, independent studies have not been conducted to determine the safety of Phenylpiracetam and alcohol. All evidence concerning using the two substances together is anecdotal. Piracetam, Phenylpiracetam’s precursor, has been shown to reverse brain damage caused by excessive alcohol intake. When you take Piracetam with alcohol, it usually intensifies the effect.

However, users claim that taking Phenylpiracetam with alcohol may actually diminish the intoxication. Other users say that taking Phenylpiracetam with alcohol makes you feel drunker.

One user said that Russian doctors use Phenylpiracetam to help alcoholics reduce their cravings to drink more. Another user mentioned this benefit as well.
Some people say that taking Phenylpiracetam while drinking alcohol can diminish the symptoms of a hangover the next day. Even taking it in the morning after a night of drinking may refresh your mental and physical energy.

Phenylpiracetam Benefits

Phenylpiracetam stimulates both the mind and the body to perform better.
Some of the benefits associated with Phenylpiracetam are:

  • More energy
  • Less fatigue
  • Greater ability to concentrate
  • Positive mood
  • Faster reaction time
  • Muscle strength
  • Increased endurance
  • Increased focus
  • Better ability to handle physical stress

Although Phenylpiracetam is used by people with healthy brain function to help them learn better, remember information and perform better at mental and physical tasks, the drug has been associated with cognitive improvements in people with epilepsy, stroke and ADHD. Most studies have been done on people whose brain function has been impaired by stroke, epilepsy or encephalopathy. However, anecdotal reports show that the supplement has benefits for people with healthy cognition.

One study compared Phenylpiracetam with traditional drugs given to people with epilepsy. When takin with the regular medication, the Phenylpiracetam helped lower the incidence of seizures in the patients. Another study looked at people who were recovering from stroke. Patients who took Phenylpiracetam recovered more quickly, both mentally and physically, than those who took a placebo.

Phenylpiracetam works mainly by regulating AMPA receptors. These receptors interact with ampakines. Ampakines are compounds that regulate neurotransmitters. Phenylpiracetam’s ampakine properties help modulate levels of the neurotransmitter glutamate. This has been linked to a stimulating or excitatory reaction in users. That means that Phenylpiracetam can give you more energy.

Amphetamines are also often used to bring about the same effects. However, amphetamines have side effects that can affect your ability to function normally in everyday life, such as jitteriness or intense sweating. Phenylpiracetam, when taken at the proper dosage for you, shouldn’t have any significant side effects.

Some of the other benefits of Phenylpiracetam are neuroprotective effects. It has been found to slow down the decline in brain health that often comes with age.
One study found that people with brain dysfunction who took 200mg of Phenylpiracetam a day had less anxiety and depression. This is promising, because depression is a disorder that affects 350 million people. Another study found that Phenylpiracetam lowered the depressant effects of diazepam. However, when administered in higher doses, the supplement was found to increase depressant effects. If you have a tendency toward depression, you may wish to stick to the lower end of the recommended dosage range.
Phenylpiracetam can help with memory and attention. One study found that people with chronic fatigue had significantly better results on improving their ability to focus and retain information with Phenylpiracetam than Piracetam.

One of the physical effects of Phenylpiracetam is its ability to make the body less affected by environmental stress. Therefore, people who take Phenylpiracetam may be less sensitive to cold and pain. This is one reason why many athletes and bodybuilders use the substance.

Phenylpiracetam may also have benefits for people with inflammatory or immune conditions. Researchers have shown that the immune systems and mood in rodents with immune stress were improved when taking Phenylpiracetam. Animals with a reduced immune response tend to have lower locomotor activity, be less alert and experience more fear and anxiety. When taking Phenylpiracetam, these animals moved around and explored more often and had less anxiety.

Phenylpiracetam has been studied for its effects on motion sickness. It has been found to help reduce motion sickness in guinea pigs.

This substance has been patented for its ability to relieve pain, among other things. The patent for Phenylpiracetam describes the supplement’s analgesic properties. This may help explain how it can help people become less sensitive to environmental stressors, such as cold. The patent also refers to its use as a muscle relaxant. This may help explain users’ ability to exercise longer without becoming fatigued.

Side Effects: Is Phenylpiracetam Safe?

Reports that the lethal toxicity of this substance for rats is 800mg per kilogram. If recalculated for humans, that means that a 66-kilogram adult would have to take 52,800mg of Phenylpiracetam to suffer a fatal overdose.

There are no concerns with toxicity and Phenylpiracetam. Phenylpiracetam has not been proven to be teratogenic, mutagenic or carcinogenic.
This is one of the reasons that people who want to improve their cognitive and physical abilities turn to Phenylpiracetam. Other substances that produce the same effects are often toxic.

The safety of Phenylpiracetam allows you to experiment with the dosage more freely than with many controlled substances. However, this is one of the nootropics that seems to cause more detrimental effects at high dosages. Most people recommend that you do not exceed 300mg per day.


Some nootropics affect your acetylcholine receptors, which can leave you with a headache if you don’t get enough choline through your diet or other supplements. The same can occur with Phenylpiracetam. People who take higher dosages of the supplement are more likely to have headaches. However, the headaches can be treated with an over-the-counter pain medication. They can also be prevented with choline supplementation.

The reason for this is that the supplement may cause your brain to uptake more acetylcholine. By doing so, it improves your ability to focus, learn and remember. However, it can also leave you depleted of the important neurotransmitter.

If you take a choline supplement, which helps your brain produce more acetylcholine, you can provide your body with enough of the neurotransmitter to stop or prevent headaches.


It is not recommended to take Phenylpiracetam before sleeping. Because it is more stimulating than the other racetams, it can cause insomnia. Even though this drug does not technically fall into the category of stimulant (like caffeine and Adderall), it can dramatically increase your energy levels.

Although most users claim that Phenylpiracetam gives them notably more energy, people have reported that it makes them sleepy. If you react strongly to nootropics, even a 200mg dose can make you more tired than usual. Users who are having sleep issues when taking Phenylpiracetam can cycle off of it for several days. Then, they can try to take it again at a lower dosage and observe the effects.

One user said that significant effects of the drug were not noted if it was taken after a night of adequate sleep. However, on mornings where the user did not sleep well or enough, significant effects were noted.


Some users say that they become irritable and anxious while taking Phenylpiracetam. A few people report that this anxiety is especially noticeable in social situations. However, we have already discussed studies that show a reduction in anxiety that results from taking this substance.
If you’re taking a dosage that’s too high for you, you may experience symptoms of anxiety, anger or irritability. However, some people become anxious when their adrenaline receptors are stimulated. The feeling of having extra energy can lead to slight anxiety.


Some people report that Phenylpiracetam can induce depression. Although some studies have shown that the supplement can actually reduce depressive symptoms in rodent, everyone has a different reaction.

You may experience a crash in the evening when you’re coming down from the stimulatory effect caused by the drug. This may cause depressive episodes in some people.
If you’re stacking CDP choline with Phenylpiracetam, the choline could be the cause of your depression. Some users claim that when they reduce the amount of choline that they take, the depressive symptoms are alleviated.

The fact that Phenylpiracetam affects your dopamine and norepinephrine activity can also be the culprit. Other nootropics that don’t have an effect on these neurotransmitters are less likely to cause side effects that interfere with mood.

Weight Loss

One of the reasons why Phenylpiracetam can help with weight loss is that it stimulates you to be more active. Researchers have not studied whether the supplement does, in fact, lead to weight loss. However, stories from users suggest that Phenylpiracetam may help them manage their weight.

Phenotropil, one of the name brands for the supplement, is sometimes prescribed for weight loss. Phenylpiracetam is not a traditional appetite suppressant, however. People who are at a normal weight will not experience weight loss, and they will not lose their desire to eat.

The drug may help to curb compulsive eating, however. Combined with the stimulatory effects, this can lead to safe weight loss.

This demonstrates that taking Phenylpiracetam may be safer than taking amphetamines for cognitive improvements. Amphetamines can suppress the appetite even in people at healthy weights, leading to dangerous weight loss. If you’re purposely using amphetamines or Phenylpiracetam to lose weight, Phenylpiracetam has fewer side effects. However, it may not be effective if you are not already overweight.


Some nootropics can affect your libido. Many users claim that Phenylpiracetam does not affect the libido. One user claimed that it may have lowered his sexual desire. However, there are not many reports of Phenylpiracetam affecting the libido in any way.

Does this mean that it has no effect? Not necessarily. However, if it had a dramatic influence on libido, people would be talking about it.

Because Phenylpiracetam may increase your desire to exercise, you may experience a testosterone boost from the physical activity. This can actually help to improve your libido.

Long Term Use

Many people report that it is easy to develop a tolerance to Phenylpiracetam. In fact, while it can cause a pronounced ability to focus and perform mentally and physically the first time you take it, the effect is often dramatically diminished with the next dose.
This is not the type of nootropic that you might take on a routine basis. While nootropics such as Noopept actually build up and improve brain function over time, Phenylpiracetam does not have that effect.

Phenylpiracetam is not unsafe for long-term use. However, it is generally not effective when taken over time. Compared with other nootropics, this may be the one to which you are most likely to develop a tolerance.

Instead of using it on a daily basis, some people add it to their routine stack when they need the enhanced effects. Others cycle it by taking it for a week and avoiding it for a week. Tolerance will depend on your metabolism, health and diet as well as the other supplements that you take.

Phenylpiracetam Stack

Every nootropic works in a similar manner. Nootropics tend to have neuroprotective effects and improve the signals within your brain. This enhanced communication between the synapses helps you learn better, focus more attentively, remember information more easily and recall data more quickly. It can even help you speak more fluently or have more confidence in social settings.

That said, many nootropics have subtle nuances that make them distinct from one another. Whereas one may improve your mood, another may increase your energy. If you aren’t getting all of the desired benefits from one nootropic substance, you may be able to achieve added benefit by stacking it with another.
It is not recommended to begin stacking nootropics until you are aware of the effects of each drug separately. Taking each supplement alone for a period of time and recording the dosage, time taken and effects can help you optimize the amounts. Once you are familiar with the ways in which a substance affects you, you can look for another substance that will enhance or complement those benefits.

One stack that beginners can start with is Phenylpiracetam and choline. There are many different choline sources, but most of them produce the same result. They replenish the acetylcholine that is depleted from using the Phenylpiracetam.
Stay away from Alpha GPC if you’re just starting to experiment with stacking Phenylpiracetam. Alpha GPC is a strong nootropic on its own, so it would be better to take it alone before combining it with Phenylpiracetam. It might be better to use CogniShield, which contains a less potent choline substitute, Choline Bitartrate.

Phenylpiracetam and Phenibut

Some people find Phenylpiracetam overly stimulating. For these individuals, stacking the supplement with Phenibut can help. Phenibut depresses the central nervous system, inducing a calming effect. Phenibut can also reduce anxiety that may be caused by the stimulatory action of the Phenylpiracetam.

Phenylpiracetam increases activity in GABA receptors. GABA is a neurotransmitter that lowers the amount of stimulation in the brain. Most nootropics increase the excitement in the brain and cause neurons to fire. Therefore, taking Phenibut with Phenylpiracetam can calm some of the stimulatory effects of the Phenylpiracetam.

Some people take Phenibut at night to help them go to sleep. Others say that it boosts their libido. If you experience a decrease in your libido while taking other nootropics, stacking with Phenibut can help.

One user said that Phenibut gave him the ability to talk more slowly and clearly. This user also said that it helped him stop focusing on unimportant details.
Although some people claim that Phenibut may have subtle nootropic effects, it is not as safe as traditional nootropics. Toxicity can cause sedation as well as delirium and an altered mental state.

Phenibut is very addicting and can cause withdrawal symptoms that include fatigue, depression and dizziness. Therefore, it is recommended that you take it no more than once a week. Some users find that taking only twice a month is adequate. Taking Phenibut for several days continuously can exacerbate withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking it. A great alternative to Phenibut would be L-Theanine, which also has an effect on the GABA receptors and aids in relaxation and sleep.

Noopept and Phenylpiracetam

Many people stack Noopept with Phenylpiracetam. That’s because Noopept can be taken on a regular basis to provide subtle improvements to memory, learning and mood. The longer Noopept is taken, the more effective it may be. However, users may stop feeling significant effects with long-term use.

That’s when Phenylpiracetam comes in. Phenylpiracetam causes a noticeable boost, especially with the first dose. If you’re already taking Noopept and need some extra cognitive assistance, taking Phenylpiracetam can provide that.

Noopept is not associated with improvements to physical performance. If you work in an industry that requires you to be in peak physical shape as well as use analytical and problem-solving skills, stacking Noopept with Phenylpiracetam can help you make the most of your potential.

Phenylpiracetam and Choline

If you’re taking Phenylpiracetam to improve your physical performance, your experience can be hampered by the headaches that can occur while taking the substance. .
One of the ways in which Phenylpiracetam works is by increasing acetylcholine activity. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that helps the brain pass along signals that influence learning and memory. When you take Phenylpiracetam, your brain uses up more acetylcholine than it usually does. Stacking Phenylpiracetam with choline can mitigate that effect.
Both beginners and experienced nootropic users can make use of this stack. Taking choline helps create more acetylcholine in the brain. If you don’t consume enough choline, your cognitive abilities can be affected. Some people take choline supplements just for their ability to enhance brain function.
What type of choline is the best to supplement with? Here is a quick reference:

Phosphatidylcholine is one of the least concentrated forms of choline. It is found in foods, but many people don’t get enough in their diet. This is not the ideal choline supplement to stack with Phenylpiracetam.

Choline bitartrate and choline citrate are other types of choline supplements. Although they are affordable, they may not have the concentration necessary to prevent the headaches that Phenylpiracetam can cause.

CDP choline or citicoline are some of the more popular choline supplements. This gets through the blood-brain barrier efficiently and encourages acetylcholine production than some other types of choline supplements.

Centrophenoxine can also boost acetylcholine levels.

Different users have different experiences when stacking choline and Phenylpiracetam. The correct proportions are most commonly determined through experimentation. If you begin to experience more extreme side effects when stacking choline and Phenylpiracetam, cut back on the dosage, or take the nootropic alone.

Phenylpiracetam and Caffeine

If you want to improve the stimulatory effect of Phenylpiracetam, you can stack it with caffeine. Some users refer to this as getting a hit of clean energy. One user said that adding caffeine increases the alertness that is caused by the Phenylpiracetam but feels smoother than drinking a lot of coffee. Another user reported feeling an increase in energy after taking only 25mg of Phenylpiracetam with 200mg of caffeine.

This can dramatically improve your energy and performance when working out. Taking caffeine along with Phenylpiracetam can reduce fatigue while exercising, improve strength and increase endurance. Stacking Phenylpiracetam and caffeine can also improve motivation and mood.

This makes it an ideal stack for the mornings, especially when you need an extra boost of energy. If you combine these substances within 8 hours of bedtime, you may find it difficult to fall asleep. This can help if you’re attempting to stay up late to get things done, but it is not recommended to do repeatedly.

If you are experiencing signs of tolerance to Phenylpiracetam but still have a need to take it over the course of several days, adding caffeine to the mix is reported to boost the effects of the nootropic. However, you can develop a tolerance to caffeine as well, so it is recommended to stack these intermittently.

Some people find that they become overly stimulated when stacking caffeine with Phenylpiracetam. If this is a concern for you, you can lower the dose of Phenylpiracetam or stop adding caffeine to the stack.

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Nicole Gleichman

Nicole Gleichman | Writer

Nicole Gleichmann is an avid self-improvement enthusiast who loves to help her readers become the best versions of themselves. For the past five years, she's dedicated her life as a wellness writer and nutrition coach to learning everything there is to know about human potential. In her free time, she spends her days traversing the mountains, playing with her dogs, and traveling the world in search of new perspectives.

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